View Full Version : So scared of C - how do you cope??

03-04-17, 14:53
I've been terrified of being diagnosed with C ever since I can remember. Now that I am turning 40 next month and I have a 2 yr old son, I feel like my fears are getting worse. It's not only a fear of dying from the disease, but also a fear of suffering...of not being able to take care of my son when I'm dealing with side effects of chemo, of the constant worrying that it may return..

I am afraid that every little symptom I have is C. How do I cope when it's so prevalent and the incidence increases as we age? Every single time I am on social media or watching TV, I hear of people young and old with this disease.

I am already on Zoloft 100mg and I'm sure my fears would be worse if I wasn't. Does anyone have any advice?

04-04-17, 10:09
No advice just wanted to let you know your not alone, having lost people close to me to the big C and working in pathology taking blood from those dealing with the big C. Feels like it's only a matter of time, my genetics are working against me ��

Sometimes I get moments of.. oh I've had this symptom for so many years if it was C I'd know by now.. and try to relate that to every other symptom I feel. Getting older our bodies have more aches and pains which makes it harder to rationalize doesn't it?

04-04-17, 10:54
Im the same, every twinge or pain makes me jump to this conclusion. It went worse for me since I turned 40 almost 2 years ago. Sometimes my HA is better than others, I had a spell of headaches so I automatically assumed the worst. Now I feel dizzy so I also assume the worst. Having kids doesn't help, the thought of leaving them is awful

04-04-17, 13:12
I'm the same but I'm 19. I constantly worry about not being able to live out any of my lifes dreams/wishes if I get diagosed with it.

Everyday, at lease once I'll have a thought pop up like
"what if you never get married?"
"What if you never have the chance to have children?"
"what if you get ill at 20 and can't get your degree?"

Honestly it just goes on.

I'm having pain in my left rib right now thinking whether it's a PC sign or HL sign.

This is a cruel way to live.

bin tenn
04-04-17, 13:27
I was worried about various types of cancer for a long time. It was awful, so I understand. It's no fun. You said you take Zoloft, but you're still experiencing intrusive thoughts. Have you talked to your doc about it? Sounds like the medication should be adjusted, or perhaps you need to try a different one.

04-04-17, 15:14
I have worried about the big c a lot, I am up to 150 types already I am only 33 of the cancers I thought I have got. I have worried about testicle cancer a lot, bowel cancer, penile cancer (I know it very rare), breast, brain tumours, heart problems and even more scared only the type of cancer women get,