View Full Version : can anyone help

anx mum
03-04-17, 15:27
For over two weekes now I have been expering severe chest pain at the time I was in Liverpool and they admitted me on the cardioc ward I had chest xray blood test tropian ecg. Nothing showing to be concerned. Bk home now and I feel worse than I did bk then. Getting chest pain started with burning pain in chest nothing would help the pain. That cleared up then started getting stabbing pains. Getting awful sensations on left side like a squeezing over breast. Now I'm getting pain in my shoulder blade and pain down my arm. I'm convinced something is wrong my anxiety is sky high. My dr today has done another xray and bloods as my crp and esr were very high:weep:

03-04-17, 15:36
Hi AM while I don't suffer from HA It's easy to get all worked up which only feeds the Anxiety even more same for depression I have been there loads of time If I keep feeding it, it doesn't go way if you follow Have you been diagnoised with HA and what therapy are you currently having? Hope you feel better soon :) Cheers

03-04-17, 15:43
Anxiety will cause physical symptoms. My first panic attack scared the day lights out of me. I was sweating, shaking, had chest pains. I agree you should see a therapist for anxiety since the hospital has found nothing physically wrong. The brain is a powerful tool and can work against us. I would suggest looking at the GAD threads, there are a lot of helpful posts there.

anx mum
03-04-17, 15:49
I am trying to stay calm but its so hard when u feel so bad and chest pains. I know I'm really anxious. My blood is showing I have inflammation or infection

---------- Post added at 15:49 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ----------

Anxiety will cause physical symptoms. My first panic attack scared the day lights out of me. I was sweating, shaking, had chest pains. I agree you should see a therapist for anxiety since the hospital has found nothing physically wrong. The brain is a powerful tool and can work against us. I would suggest looking at the GAD threads, there are a lot of helpful posts there.

thanks for replying guys I appriete it xx

anx mum
04-04-17, 21:28
:weep: This is hell cannot cope anymore tender all over chest and getting stabbing pains in chest my bloods show infection or inflammation don't kn ow what to think. I fear something is going on with me and its yet to be diagoised having bad thoughts crying everyday my children are seeing this. Had ecg few days ago that was ok. Had heart bloods they came bk ok. Had a chest xray about 2 weeks ago that was normal yet I feel awful. Something is going on and I'm thinking the worse my anxiety is sky high. My symptoms sound like costo can anyone help going out of my mind:weep:

04-04-17, 21:36
The only way to get through these situations is to be as rational as possible. We know how crazy are symptoms are when we're anxious. You could be exacerbating symptoms of a cold or pulled muscles. You're taking the necessary steps to make sure nothing is medically wrong, try and do your best to stay positive until you've been told something is wrong. Easier said than done, but give it a try.

anx mum
04-04-17, 21:42
thank u I'm so scared. I'm frightened to go to sleep at mo my family keep saying don't worry but its easier said than done all my tests apart from esr has come bk ok esr was raised which means inflammation and infection somewhere.

04-04-17, 21:54
Sleep deprivation will make your fear ten times worse. Your brain needs some kip and a chance to process. I have been in exactly the same situation where I have been to scared too sleep (last night), today I was like a zombie (luckily i not at work this week, not so lucky for my children!). I went to bed with my phone in my hand in case I needed to call 999, crazy but strangely comforting. My partner was next me. I hope you manage to get some some sleep tonight x

anx mum
04-04-17, 22:05
This is awful annie trying to be brave but im not. Scared to sleep apart from this site feel like nobody understands. I'm losing it physically and mentally upsetting my kids this is hell. How long have u suffered annie? Do u get symptoms I recongize one symptom getting numbness

04-04-17, 22:12
I mainly get sharp pains in chest, but I've had a variety recently. I've just started on Sertraline this morning so that may help. My eldest boy has clocked me checking my pulse and he gives me a stern 'mum!'. A few weeks ago when I couldn't sleep I manged 5 episodes of 24. The next day is always the worst if I've not slept.

anx mum
04-04-17, 22:21
im on sertraline too been on it a long time now. My mood is very low like I cant take anymore its not fair on my kids. My kids are my life. The anxiety is making all this worse. Hate night time cos that's when im at my worse. My hubby keeps saying nothing is wrong but I feel like something is. Thanks for listening annie:weep:. Are your chest pains constant? I'm trying heat cold painkillers gel nothing seems to help

anx mum
05-04-17, 08:18
what a night was awake all night. I'm worried about my symptoms my chest is burning and tender everywhere. Now I'm having nightmares about physical symptoms that are to do with my heart. I'm sorry for posting again:weep:

05-04-17, 08:41
I'm so sorry you didn't sleep! My chest pain comes and goes. I've woken this morning feeling very anxious and odd in chest area.when are you next at GP? Look after yourself today x

anx mum
05-04-17, 10:20
Just got back from drs he still thinks it's inflammation in my chest he can't find anything going on told me to use gel on chest. Really anx. Hope u are ok?

Gary A
05-04-17, 11:16
Just got back from drs he still thinks it's inflammation in my chest he can't find anything going on told me to use gel on chest. Really anx. Hope u are ok?

The fact he's telling you to use gel tells you that it's just a bit of muscle inflammation. There's really nothing to be anxious about, muscular problems are one of the most common problems a doctor will see.

05-04-17, 13:31

You CRP and ESR are high as youve got muscle inflammation.

Did you ask your GP why they are both high?


anx mum
05-04-17, 13:59
the crp has gone down slightly but still raised. Dr saw me again this morning hes just waiting on the chest xray. Asked him does he think its an infection of the chest he says he thinks its a condition called fibromyalgia never really heard of it. My anxiety is still sky high when pain is bad I fear the worse

05-04-17, 14:05
My ex suffers from this. It's a chronic condition that causes inflammation, pain and fatigue. One of the main causes can be attributed to prolonged stress, anxiety and depression.

There are meds that can help treat the symptoms but treating the root of the issue (stress, anxiety, depression) is the best treatment.

In recent years, since my ex sought treatment for her depression, her symptoms have lessened.

Positive thoughts

05-04-17, 14:08
Im glad they are going down.


anx mum
05-04-17, 14:12
thank u fishmanger do u know what meds your ex took? Have tried most things. Its like ive got a severe flare up

05-04-17, 14:14
thank u fishmanger do u know what meds your ex took? Have tried most things. Its like ive got a severe flare up

No, I don't recall. Speak to your doctor and please get help for your anxiety. That will be the best treatment overall.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

05-04-17, 14:46
So sorry you're going through this. My suggestion would be to throw yourself into tackling your health anxiety, look at books you can download to your phone via Amazon/kindle. A great one is overcoming health anxiety. Look back at your posts from years ago on this forum. It was nothing serious then and it's still not.

I went through a fear of chest pain too. Start tackling your health anxiety, really work on it. And you will understand that muscles in your chest can EASILY cause pain from tensing through anxiety.

You've had all the tests and unfortunately seeking reassurance will only help in the short term so you won't feel better until you can accept that this isn't something serious yourself.

If your behaviours haven't helped so far look at changing them.

I know it's so hard but I promise you are okay.

anx mum
05-04-17, 15:11
so worried alice my fear of a pe is back had 2 blood tests di dimar both were normal do u think this bloodtest is reliable have u had it before

05-04-17, 15:51
I understand your fear and concerns, but please trust me when I say that you can't just 'go on' with a PE. Like you would SERIOUSLY know about it. It is NOT one of those things that you would be sitting wondering to yourself: 'Oh I wonder if I have a PE'.

You would know about it.

And also you can't have a PE for days and weeks and nothing occur from it. So the fact that you've had these pains for weeks is actually a good sign it is NOT a PE.

Trust me, I know a lot about PE's, as my mum died from one. So I researched it to the ends of the earth.

People's descriptions are more like 'I couldn't walk more than 3 steps without gasping for air with incredibly laboured breathing, I could NOT breathe'.

Honestly, I know you're concerned, but please believe me when I say you don't have a PE. You wouldn't be on this forum wondering - you would KNOW.

anx mum
05-04-17, 16:46
Do u think? The pain is severe in my chest but I'm not gasping for breath my mum also died from a pe. My 2 di dimars both come bk ok the last few weeks I'm just so scared. The thing that scares me is a have a stabbing pain and when I take deep breath it hurts

05-04-17, 16:56
Yes, you would know by now 100%.

Sorry about your mum, this is what is causing your fears I'd presume :hugs:

anx mum
05-04-17, 17:09
sorry to go on alice really scared I know ive talked to u in the past got a huge fear with whats going on in my chest my chest hurts when u press all over. Have u had di dimar tests in the past did u believe them

05-04-17, 18:58
It's OK, I understand the fear I really do. I just think that seeking reassurance isn't a good long term coping strategy and will likely exacerbate your anxiety.

I would suggest the following:

Set aside a time in the day for worrying. You are only allowed to worry during this time. Twice a day for half an hour perhaps. During this time, sit in a quiet space and write down all your worries and what you're thinking. Outside of these times when an anxious thought comes into your head try to visualise it as a thought-bubble in front of you. Say to yourself 'I have an anxious thought - it's OK - I will deal with this in my worry time'. And let it float past.

This is a very good strategy because it gives us control over our worry and what we as a nifty sufferers are struggling with is lack of control and certainty.

You have to accept the fact that there is no such thing as 100% certainty in life.

You could remain in this reassurance cycle forever, getting told the same thing over and over again. And it won't make any difference to you. You will feel relieved for about 10 minutes but then you'll come back and need more. It won't help your anxiety.

it is difficult, very, and I still use this forum for reassurance because it's a habit I find difficult to kick. And obviously it feels nice when you get reassurance. But repeated reassurance telling you the same things really won't help in the long run.

The tests you've received are the most accurate and reliable tests for blood clots.
Dr's have told you you don't have a blood clot.
I, and countless others, have experienced chest pain like yours. Stabbing lightning quick pain, pain when breathing in, dull pain, aching pain, pain that won't subside.

Are you breathing from your belly? Or your upper chest? Test this and you'll find your most likely tensing your chest.

If you tensed your arm all day your arm would hurt.

It's muscle pain.

It's NOT a clot.

Believe the tests.

You must partly know it's anxiety related as you a posting on an anxiety forum.

Please, for your own sake, walk away from the Internet, start enjoying your life. Because worrying won't change anything.

Look at it this way - You've been dealing with your anxiety by using forums, the Internet, seeking reassurance, etc, etc for a long time. Do you feel any better? No.

Why not try a different method for a week? No forums, no Google searches, use the worry time I mentioned if necessary, no body checking and no reassurance seeking.

For one week.

If you feel worse then come back and tell me off!!

You're fine OK? Please don't waste your only life worrying about something that isn't even true. I know it's hard. I still struggle every day, but have confidence in yourself that you are OK.

anx mum
06-04-17, 11:06
Thank u alice its good advise its so hard with the symptoms ive got I always think the worse I'm trying now every min to get through it I'm struggling. Some of the symptoms like numbness I have had them in the past I keep thinking it was anxiety then but something inside says more. I remember talking to u a few years ago. U were concerned I think about a dvt or pe u were convinced something was wrong u have done so well fighting this anxiety trying to distract myself as much as I can did some relaxion last night.

06-04-17, 12:54
Hi anx mum you are in a mess and you aint moving forward on this. Sure it's not easy that I understand :) Am I right in saying you have got some therapy lined up to help you? If you haven't please explore these avenues as 8 years is a long time now, you need to start your recovery :hugs:

anx mum
06-04-17, 13:58
yeah under the mental health team. Its hell at the moment trying to be brave and get through this.

06-04-17, 16:21

If you're under the care of a mental health team, they need to know about your participation and reassurance seeking on the forum. I know from other members that mental health professionals would highly discourage the behavior and it's obvious it's keeping you in a constant cycle of anxiety. Heck, when I went for some help after my cancer, I was told flat out to stop hanging out on the cancer forums.

Positive thoughts

06-04-17, 16:55
Thank u alice its good advise its so hard with the symptoms ive got I always think the worse I'm trying now every min to get through it I'm struggling. Some of the symptoms like numbness I have had them in the past I keep thinking it was anxiety then but something inside says more. I remember talking to u a few years ago. U were concerned I think about a dvt or pe u were convinced something was wrong u have done so well fighting this anxiety trying to distract myself as much as I can did some relaxion last night.

What are you doing to help your anxiety? What books do you have? I'd recommend self help for the nerves by Claire weeks. It talks about chest pains.

anx mum
06-04-17, 17:01
Funny u saying that got book of amazon cost me 1p and post. Not too bad this morning feel the pain again this afternoon

06-04-17, 17:11
Try taking a nice bath with some himalayan salts. (You can buy from amazon).
This is good for anxiety and muscle tension.

Are you working on your belly breathing?

anx mum
06-04-17, 17:22
have a look at them salts doing my best not too panic about symptoms. was listening to breathing exercises on u tube last night

06-04-17, 17:56
That's great you're doing so well! You're on the right track.
Remember you are fine. Breathe and relax and enjoy yourself!
Let go of the worry it doesn't benefit you.

See it like turning off a worry switch.

anx mum
06-04-17, 18:00
Thanks hun its hard but keeping going trying not panic.

06-04-17, 18:35
yeah under the mental health team. Its hell at the moment trying to be brave and get through this. Has it started yet? Like I said it's not easy, but things will get better for you :) Good luck Cheers

---------- Post added at 18:35 ---------- Previous post was at 18:34 ----------

have a look at them salts doing my best not too panic about symptoms. was listening to breathing exercises on u tube last night Excellent hope its helping you :)Cheers

anx mum
07-04-17, 19:28
I'm at my wits end been getting chest pains for about 3 weeks now it started as a severe burning pain nothing helped to ease it. Now the past week or so has been stabbing in middle of chest I'm really worried as with the major organs in there. Ive seen drs this week one dr is saying costochondritis and today the dr said acid relex I'm getting a bitter taste in my mouth. These pains are concerning me worried sick summat is wrong with heart or lungs as I feel awful

Catherine S
07-04-17, 19:49
You say "thanks for replying guys, I appreciate it" and then completely ignore what they have said to you. You're also ignoring what your doctor has told you. You've been given reasons for the pain so you know it's nothing sinister...painful and uncomfortable yes but you don't have a serious illness. Try painkillers, or something to ease the acid reflux that has been suggested. Two doctors this week have told you your heart/lungs are ok. Try to just calm yourself down.


07-04-17, 19:59
anx mum While no one here is a dr it sure is confusing one dr is telling one thing the other is saying another I would be very confused my self! I honestly don't think it's any of your organs in a serious state :) So try and not think that it is. What I want to know is what is this first condition what test(s) are involved to see if it is, and what treatment can be given and Acid Reflux for which could be treated quite easily you need a definite confirmation on one or the other and as your dr's have ruled out any major organ troubles I would believe that :) Please be gentle on your self XX Cheers

anx mum
07-04-17, 20:20
Thank u both "I believe" I have took on board what others are saying its extremely hard having physical symptoms with health anx. A lot has been going on was seeing my nero as im getting cluster headaches while in Liverpool My nero sent me to a cardiac ward and that's how it started when pain first started with severe burning was going to shoulder blade now
its stabbing

Catherine S
07-04-17, 22:27
It still could be either of the conditions both doctors have suggested and both conditions can be really painful. But its not your heart. So if you can come down from that fear, then maybe you can just deal with the pain. Cluster headaches are really painful too, but all you can do is take painkillers for them the same as we all do. Both the neurologist and cardiologist have given you the all clear for any underlying illness, so perhaps the next step is managing your anxiety better.

Maybe have another talk to your own doctor and see what he recommends to treat whichever of the conditions he thinks you're suffering with, and reassessing whichever medication you take for your anxiety.


08-04-17, 01:36
Anx mum have our tried relaxation techniques when you are feeling this way? When I am feeling anxious and have physical symptoms, focusing my mind on relaxation can really help - it can take away some of the symptoms created by my health anxiety which lessens my feelings of anxiety immediately. I use an NHS CD but there are lots of audios available on you tube.

Just to add my husband had chest pain last year and it's caused by acid. Reflux meds helped within a couple of days

anx mum
08-04-17, 09:34
Thank u everyone think I'm getting there slowly at home with my 3 kids today doing my best to be brave. Might even take them to park in abit get some fresh air. Dr has put me on perscripson medication to help acid relex keep getting a horrid taste in my mouth cant explain it like flem bitter. Have been doing relaxtion of u tube not getting in to it yet

anx mum
12-04-17, 18:08
Its been a month now ive had horrid chest pains burning/stabbing/ache I have seen quite a lot of drs. I'm so confused whats happening the last few days although still had pain ive been dealing with it. But now its bk. Don't know what is going on but I'm really scared:weep:.

12-04-17, 18:25

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
