View Full Version : Panic At Its Best....TODAY!

27-04-07, 02:43
I just went through..I don't know what..I went outside as I usually do to feel the horses and just got out of breath ...I started breahing hard and fast..Ok I have had this before I get it sometimes here.I wasn't feeling to well before I went outside and well started to wait but forced myself to go out and do what I was suppose to do.I was feeling a little stressed and just weird..

I had sat and drank some coffee as I usually do in the afternoons and took a tylenol and a librium which is prescribed for me before I went outside.I came in thinking ok its over with now and my breathing should return to normal.It didnt...But I thought ill get over it. I could feel my heart skipping or doing something like missing beats.This to is not unusal in the evenings..but not this bad.

I went to the bathroom and started using the bathroom and my heart was skipping regularly .. I got worried but just kept thinking it will go away..I was getting so tired as if I just wanted to lay down and rest.. and well instead i took a shower..In the shower I just kept feeling tired like I wanted to get out and go to sleep.I slept real well last night and got plenty sleep and should have been in top form today..Anyway I got out of the shower and could hear my heart pound and felt kind of scared as I could feel the beats dropping out here and there..

Then I laid down on the bed and relaxed all the time thinking I just wanted to go to sleep..My heart steady missing beats and just feeling really really tired..I decided I would get on the computer and then checking my pulse could even still feel the beats skipping.My pulse rate came down but im exhausted and wondering if the missing heart beats indicates a problem with my heart ..exhurting causing missing beats..I dont know whether is was anxiety or something wrong..

I still feel bad and worried but my heart rate is normal.. So I don't know what to think.I don't want to feel bad.. Could this just be anxiety or could it be a heart problem that is masked until I exhurt.. Im really worried..
Does this seem to be a normal thing for most of you ..and do you get really tired and sleepy after an episode.? It just came out of the blue..
Please advise..?

UPDATE: This is about an hour later..after the shower and can't believe we did this but I forced myself ,even feeling weird to go into town..yes its a big thing 7 miles in the pitch dark and go to the drive thru and get hamburgers...all the time my heart skipping beats and I think now that I look back on it.. must be gas.. causing the skipping sensation.I made it to town back to home and ate my hamburger and fries and diet drink and now as I lay here Im not aware of a skipping heartbeat but feel unusual in the face..As I think about what several people have mentioned here I think I have to find a place to post a private journal and list the things I feel and what times and circumstances..Thank you for your input all of and maybe just maybe typing how im feeling could help.The weird feeling in the face feels a little like weakness or a stinging sensation just odd..Any input on any of this will be greatly apprecaite and im going right now to try to find a journal ..Thank you again..Michael

27-04-07, 16:27
These all sound like pretty typical anxiety symptoms to me, good on you for going into town even though you were freaked out! Irregular heart beats can get pretty scary and it's easy for that type of thing to get you down and stop you from doing the things you want to do.

Have you considered the possibility that it might be no coincidence that you'd just finished a cup of coffee when the episode happened? I love coffee but have discovered the hard way that I just can't drink it - it regularly triggers serious episodes of anxiety with me, and migraines too. It's caffeine in general really, I can have a cup of weak tea or a glass of cola now and again but that's about it :(