View Full Version : Newly pregnant, and now suffer from HA

03-04-17, 19:12
Four weeks ago I found out I was pregnant with my first baby, I am now approximately 8 weeks. This is an unplanned pregnancy, although I am happy and secure with my partner.
Anyway to get to the point, I'm 26 and never had any health issues previously. I was stressed about telling my family about the pregnancy initially and experienced insomnia, loss of appetite however they took the news quite well and all of the above subsided for a few days.
Then came the doctors appointments one of which I attended two weeks ago and another one tomorrow to do bloods. Since booking appointment I'm noticing an array of symptoms I never experienced before such as aches and pains, i have a small sore in my mouth and unsure if I have a pains in my neck or if its my throat. Again loss of appetite and lack of sleep are rearing their ugly head again.Furthermore I'm worried about the baby if I'm constantly stressing.
I'm just wondering is it possible to experience HA like this? I'm sorry if this comes across ignorant I'm just confused!!

03-04-17, 19:18
Hiya Maglourdes and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

03-04-17, 20:06
None of what you're describing necessarily sounds related to the pregnancy, although pregnancy does lower your immunity and make you more susceptible to all sorts of viruses and bacterial infections. You may also notice that in the months following the birth, you will also be more susceptible to colds and things; it takes your immune system some time to recover after giving birth.
That was my experience anyway.

As far as your anxiety hurting the baby, do not think about that.
Women have given birth to healthy children under far more terrible stress: in wartime, for instance, or in abusive relationships. Sometimes women are pregnant who do not want to be. Imagine the stress that causes! And still, they have normal pregnancies and healthy babies.
You are at the perfect age to have a baby, and you say you were previously healthy.
There is no reason to think you will not have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. All pregnant women are anxious and frightened, especially with their first pregnancy.
Your anxiety WILL NOT harm the baby. I know I already said that, but I really want you to understand and believe it.
You could worry ten times more than you already do, and it still will not harm the baby, as I'm sure your doctor can assure you.
It will, however, make you miserable, so you should try to relax, if only for your own sake.

Everything will be fine. I was sixteen when I had my first baby, and everything turned out fine. I was forty when I had my last, and everything still turned out fine. With modern medical care, it is very unlikely that anything could go wrong, and with your age and health status, it's unlikely anything would go wrong anyway, even without medical care.
But since you will have good medical care, you really and truly have nothing to worry about.
But if you do worry, that's fine too. Do not worry about worrying. It won't hurt the baby.

Best wishes! :)

03-04-17, 20:52
None of what you're describing necessarily sounds related to the pregnancy, although pregnancy does lower your immunity and make you more susceptible to all sorts of viruses and bacterial infections. You may also notice that in the months following the birth, you will also be more susceptible to colds and things; it takes your immune system some time to recover after giving birth.
That was my experience anyway.

As far as your anxiety hurting the baby, do not think about that.
Women have given birth to healthy children under far more terrible stress: in wartime, for instance, or in abusive relationships. Sometimes women are pregnant who do not want to be. Imagine the stress that causes! And still, they have normal pregnancies and healthy babies.
You are at the perfect age to have a baby, and you say you were previously healthy.
There is no reason to think you will not have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. All pregnant women are anxious and frightened, especially with their first pregnancy.
Your anxiety WILL NOT harm the baby. I know I already said that, but I really want you to understand and believe it.
You could worry ten times more than you already do, and it still will not harm the baby, as I'm sure your doctor can assure you.
It will, however, make you miserable, so you should try to relax, if only for your own sake.

Everything will be fine. I was sixteen when I had my first baby, and everything turned out fine. I was forty when I had my last, and everything still turned out fine. With modern medical care, it is very unlikely that anything could go wrong, and with your age and health status, it's unlikely anything would go wrong anyway, even without medical care.
But since you will have good medical care, you really and truly have nothing to worry about.
But if you do worry, that's fine too. Do not worry about worrying. It won't hurt the baby.

Best wishes! :)
Hi GlassPinata,

Thank you for your response it has truly helped with all the thoughts running through my head. I'm trying to be strong for everyone so as not to ruin the experience for my partner and first time grandparents hence I don't talk about this anxiety with anyone.

I do often think how the hell people did it years ago with limited healthcare and tougher times in general and I know they just got on with things which i will focus on now and hope these symptoms calm down.

Thanks again.
Warmest Regards