View Full Version : Hard stomach with sharp pains

03-04-17, 21:28
Has anyone ever had a hard stomach with sharp pains, pains that are really severe. Occasionally it makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. I am currently on clindamycin for a tooth infection but did not take capsule today. I am so worried. I don't want to rush to the ER, I have three kids. Plus I have a fear of the ER. It hurts worse to sit up, it's like my stomach is really bloated, waves of sharp pains.

Thank you in advance

26-07-20, 13:03
I know this is many years later, but for anyone browsing who is worrying about Antibiotics and Gastric discomfort. The digestive system symptoms are caused by the Clindamycin. Its notorious for this. These will all disappear when you finish the course of antibiotics. In the meantime, probiotic yoghurts may help.

26-07-20, 13:11
Antibiotics can play absolute havoc with your digestion.

As Jane said, get some really good quality probiotics to replace the ones that have been destroyed by the antibiotics.

27-07-20, 00:03
4-5 week course of antibiotics in a 12 week period, coupled with a trial drug, I’m still suffering 6 months on.