View Full Version : Time to turn in event monitor :(

03-04-17, 22:14
I'm so anxious about having to turn this thing in tomorrow. I've been wearing it for 30 days and have had symptoms while wearing it (which is good, since I was able to record a couple events). Since I have heart fears--amongst others, it acted as my safely blanket. I felt safer knowing that someone was watching me 24/7 for 30 days. Now I actually have to wake up tomorrow without it. The only good thing about returning it is

- it made terrible sores from those sticky electrode patches
- and I wanted to find out what exactly is wrong with me (I pray nothing!)

I had a run of ectopic beats (lasting about 10 minutes or so while on them, took a Xanax to calm down, and waited for a call from the monitor company to call me. That did not happen. They just marked it down as an event and sent it to my doctor. I hope the results come back okay.

I also started Klonopin and Celexa a few weeks ago, not feeling any better. In fact the increase dosage, along with returning back to work has made me anxious. The klonopin helps a tiny bit, but nothing like Xanax. I have a follow up appointment with my psychiatrist on Thursday. Any advice for me, friends??

04-04-17, 14:40
no one have advice for me?

Catherine S
04-04-17, 15:57
The advice would be to wait and see what your results are. Everybody knows about your heart fear and alot of people have given advice on previous threads. Just let us know what the results are when you can.


04-04-17, 20:02
Thanks, i'll keep you posted! I'm hoping my Celexa will start kicking in soon.

05-04-17, 00:29
Good luck and I hope all goes well. Do let us know what they find. Did they say how long till you know the results?

08-04-17, 16:09
I think I should hear back in about a week or so. I had a run of ectopic beats last night while dining out with family. I noticed it came right after I had eaten a full meal.