View Full Version : Intrusive thoughts/Rumination/Chatterbox Help

03-04-17, 23:57
I've had Anxiety for a long time and i'm currently restarting citalopram so this is probably at it's worst now but in truth it never goes away for any length of time

I just can't concentrate on anything or relax and enjoy films tv, reading etc i've had it for many many years and it's at it's worst at the moment. i'm just sat trying to watch a film and my head just keeps checking to see if i'm watching, am i into this? it sounds stupid but "am i into this?" "am i relaxed?" "am i getting this?" then i'll start thinking "i'll never be able too relax again" (which now sounds stupid but when it happens it seems a real possibility) just constant checks or i'll drift off and start think of something else.

Films are important to me, i watch a lot and these intrusive thoughts depress me so much at times.

Has anyone got any tips on how to quiet the thoughts? has citalopram ever truly helped anyone with these thoughts?

Thanks for any replys

04-04-17, 00:57
Maybe try switching mediation? I tried a few and can't tolerate the side effects. Years later I tried Zoloft for 20 days and stopped a week ago. The meds made me a zombie but did seem to reset my brain. I'm now don't have any intrusive thoughts. I would check with your doctor.