View Full Version : :( I'm so sorry, I'm struggling today :(

04-04-17, 00:39
I'm sorry, I come on here so I don't have to bother my family and friends with all my worries, so please bare with me for being ridiculously annoying.

I'm just struggling today because I felt the "lymph node" in my neck again and I just don't understand how the ENT couldn't feel it. It's a significantly large lumpy area (about the width of my fingertip), it's just very flat these days but still there and if you press hard it feels quite large.

I'm just worried for the ultrasound honestly, I spent all day studying and then a horid, morbid thought came to mind that said "What if you get bad news before your exams, how will you even cope?"

:( I'm sorry for posting, I really am. I have done well to keep away from these feelings and I am really tired right now which causes my anxiety to erupt.

I just want some soothing words honestly.

My throat is hurting a lot right now as I swallow and I'm starting to also worry about that which is great -__-

04-04-17, 00:43
You should think about the sore throat as a good thing because that explains the swollen lymph node. Lymph nodes swell even for viral infections so your body is just doing its job :) I've been there with fears about lymph nodes though so I totally sympathize. Feel better love

04-04-17, 00:49
You could have strep throat. Any type of sore throat will make your lymph nodes swell. That is their job to fight off infection. Also I've read on other post about this form of anxiety, if you keep touching the gland it will get larger and you are irritating it. If the doctor said it's fine then trust him. They went to medical school to become doctors. Gargle with warm salt water to ease throat pain and get some lozenges like Ricola or Halls.

04-04-17, 00:59
You should think about the sore throat as a good thing because that explains the swollen lymph node. Lymph nodes swell even for viral infections so your body is just doing its job :) I've been there with fears about lymph nodes though so I totally sympathize. Feel better love

This isn't the reason for it I'm afraid because I've had it for 4 months now. :weep:

I don't think the ENT things it's a lymphnode, she said it could be muscle or bone or something.

She wasn't overly concerned but I'm terrfied at what the ultrasound may possible find. :(

---------- Post added at 00:59 ---------- Previous post was at 00:58 ----------

You could have strep throat. Any type of sore throat will make your lymph nodes swell. That is their job to fight off infection. Also I've read on other post about this form of anxiety, if you keep touching the gland it will get larger and you are irritating it. If the doctor said it's fine then trust him. They went to medical school to become doctors. Gargle with warm salt water to ease throat pain and get some lozenges like Ricola or Halls.

:weep: I know, I just feel in a spiral tonight.

I just can't keep away from the "what ifs?" today.

04-04-17, 02:13
I know how you feel. I noticed a lymph node in my neck back in August. Luckily I don't need referrals with my insurance, so after two weeks with no improvement I went straight to an ENT. Upon feeling it, looking in my mouth and asking a few questions, he didn't seem concerned. For my reassurance, he ordered at CT with and without contrast. He called me the following Monday and said everything was fine.

I was fine until around Christmas, when I noticed raised, redish bumps in my mouth, where both my tonsils were and on the back of my throat. They're still there and I have a follow-up with the ENT in a week. He said if they are still there at that visit, I need a biopsy. But I'm trying to stay positive and not think too much into it.

If your ENT thought something was seriously wrong, they would have told you. I know it's easier said than done, but stay positive and don't psych yourself out.

04-04-17, 02:19
Mav, you just gave some great advice on another thread. Look in a mirror and repeat it to yourself!

04-04-17, 03:11
Mav, you just gave some great advice on another thread. Look in a mirror and repeat it to yourself!

I truly am a hypocrite :( I can dish it out because I know it's true for other people, but I just can't hear it myself.

---------- Post added at 03:09 ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 ----------

I know how you feel. I noticed a lymph node in my neck back in August. Luckily I don't need referrals with my insurance, so after two weeks with no improvement I went straight to an ENT. Upon feeling it, looking in my mouth and asking a few questions, he didn't seem concerned. For my reassurance, he ordered at CT with and without contrast. He called me the following Monday and said everything was fine.

I was fine until around Christmas, when I noticed raised, redish bumps in my mouth, where both my tonsils were and on the back of my throat. They're still there and I have a follow-up with the ENT in a week. He said if they are still there at that visit, I need a biopsy. But I'm trying to stay positive and not think too much into it.

If your ENT thought something was seriously wrong, they would have told you. I know it's easier said than done, but stay positive and don't psych yourself out.

It seems you just have a case of tonsilitus or strep throat, I wouldn't worry about your case at all.

Mine has just been there for no reason for months and months :(

---------- Post added at 03:11 ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 ----------

I need to go to bed, it's 3am here but I was just scrolling through my youtube feed, perfectly calm until I saw an update from a well known youtuber vlogging his chemotherapy. It shocked me to my very core! I remember seeing his videos to cheer me up while I was going through my scare, so my heart hurts that he actually has it.

It's furious pete if anyones wondering. It's just sad. :(

04-04-17, 05:49
I'm sorry, I come on here so I don't have to bother my family and friends with all my worries, so please bare with me for being ridiculously annoying.

I'm just struggling today because I felt the "lymph node" in my neck again and I just don't understand how the ENT couldn't feel it. It's a significantly large lumpy area (about the width of my fingertip), it's just very flat these days but still there and if you press hard it feels quite large.

I'm just worried for the ultrasound honestly, I spent all day studying and then a horid, morbid thought came to mind that said "What if you get bad news before your exams, how will you even cope?"

:( I'm sorry for posting, I really am. I have done well to keep away from these feelings and I am really tired right now which causes my anxiety to erupt.

I just want some soothing words honestly.

My throat is hurting a lot right now as I swallow and I'm starting to also worry about that which is great -__-

The fact that the ENT couldn't even feel it, or barely felt it, is very promising.
Try and hold on to that.
Those of us with node anxiety regularly overestimate the size of our nodes.
My little boy recently had some in his neck that felt alarmingly huge to me; I could even see them when he turned his head a certain way.
Then he developed a sore throat and i took him to the doctor. When the doctor started feeling around on his neck, i became very anxious as to what he would say about the nodes.
Finally I just asked him, and he said everything felt fine.
I was like, "Don't you feel those enlarged lymph nodes?"
And he said he felt a couple that felt very slightly enlarged, but not enough for him to suspect strep throat. He said with strep throat, children's glands tend to swell up a good bit more than that.
As it turned out, it was strep throat after all.
But like I said, those nodes felt golfball-sized to me, and to the doctor they felt only "very slightly enlarged", not even enough for him to suspect strep.
They've gone away entirely now, after a course of Amoxicillin.

Point of the story is, you might have a very slightly enlarged node, which could be caused by anything. The doctor was not alarmed by it, nor should you be.

I think everything will turn out fine. Please keep us posted.

Best wishes.