View Full Version : I don't know what to do anymore.

Clydesdale Epona
04-04-17, 01:13
(this is more of a little rant than anything x) I'm really at my wits end when it comes to my side pain, not because of the fear of something dangerous(although that can be annoying at times) more so that its affecting my life. I've been having to skip work more often because I just haven't been able to get out of bed with the pain and fatigue it's causing me and falling asleep is a nightmare within itself, it hurts worse at night and when I lie down by coincidence. I usually get a day or possibly two at a push break away from it in-between pain flare ups but this time it's been here for 6 weeks straight and is not looking like it wants to let up. i have managed to sign up for possibly more CBT or even a different therapy and just need to get back to them tomorrow to arrange an assignment, but I still can't relax at ease because this side is ruining my life, I can't take the sleep deprivation or fatigue much longer. I have a little(and I say little because I'm not a professional) hunch that its linked with Endometriosis because my mother and sister has it plus my symptoms get worse when I'm due on and I haven't had the most pleasant experience with it all, but obviously I can't know for sure myself but I don't know whether to go to the doctors, he's not given me anything other than an ultrasound as far as checks go and when I go up he just says "irs not appendicitis" and sends me packing, i'll admit I'm really irrational when it comes to appendicitis in fact a part of me thinks I have it right now, but what I really want is to find what it really is and what I can do to fix it buy I know how, should I make an appointment and ask for help? I really want to get a nights sleep because its been so long but I'm afraid he'll send me packing :weep: X