View Full Version : Slipping again, so frustrating

04-04-17, 10:02
I have had anxiety and specifically health anxiety for years and years, have been in CBT for about 7 years am now just in a long term group and generally do okay.

However, I still relapse and i know I relapse due to behaviours, (reassurance seeking, checking, Googling, all the usual). I completely understand the link between the two, why do i still do it????

Have been falling a bit for a few weeks after receiving some upsetting news about a friend, which was quite triggering, have fallen back into checking moles, checking lymph nodes, worrying excessively about feeling tired, feeling nauseous etc, but last night had some water 'go down the wrong way' and choked and couldn't breathe​ for a bit, and like an idiot googled.

Barely slept, this morning feel terrible, convinced I will develop pneumonia and die, crying, panicking, don't know how to get through the next few hours let alone days. My chest feels odd and achey and I feel like I can't get enough air in. My rational part of my brain knows that my body is more than capable of creating/focusing on sensations and blowing them out of all proportion, but there is something ticking away saying 'what's if, what if?'

Sorry essay, don't even know what I am expecting it want anyone to say, just feel a bit broken today, am so sick of it all :(