View Full Version : Mucus in throat. Malaise. No fever/ cough.

04-04-17, 10:36
Hello. I've had a sore throat on and off for nearly 2 months now. There is no fever or cough.

At first, I believe I caught a bug on public transport. I woke with a sore throat which lasted about 4-5 days and then went away. About 2-3 days later, it came back and felt like it affected the other side of my throat. I felt unwell and general malaise a couple of days when it first started, and thought it might be flu. I'd spit up about 1 mucus blob a day, usually when talking, and rarely it would have blood in it. The blob is usually hard and circular shaped. Anyway, it disappeared.

I then went to a conference and had to speak a lot. This made my sore throat come back, and I nearly lost my voice. I was back to spitting up a blob a day or so. When I got back, it took nearly 2 weeks to clear up. The mucus became less frequent, and I felt completely better. I then decided to sing... Well, this brought it all back again. It's been a week and a half since then, and I started to feel better again. Over the weekend, though, my throat felt sore... at the sides, almost a muscular pain. My glands don't seem to be enlarged either. I did a lot of talking, and today, I've spit up another mucus blob which was much worse than the one 2 days prior. I thought it had cleared up, but I feel pretty unwell today.

What's going on? Is my voice strained? I'm surprised it would make me feel ill like this, and take so long to heal. I've been really tired the last couple of weeks too, and worry it's because of this.

As the sore throat is coming and going, I haven't seen a doctor about it. My tonsils, glands etc all seem fine.

Catherine S
04-04-17, 11:00
Are you asking us to tell you what we think this might be? Because, like you all we can do is guess at what it could be. Seeing a doctor about it would be your best next step. Let us know what the diagnosis is after you've seen him/her.

Best wishes
ISB ☺ x

04-04-17, 11:38
Sorry, my post does come across like that. I think I've worried about it so much that it isn't going away, and I'm wondering if this is something you can get with your throat.

Or, if anyone has experienced anything like this of course :)

Catherine S
04-04-17, 11:51
Yes I understand, and I would say alot of people here have experienced these symptoms too and been told by doctors that it's nothing to worry about. As you know yourself it's best to seek a medical opinion first then take it from there. We can support you better after a diagnosis whatever it might be.

Best wishes
ISB ☺ x

09-04-17, 00:52
Do you have allergies by any chance? Because that can definitely cause mucus & a sore throat without the fever. That being said, see your doctor as he can provide the proper diagnosis.