View Full Version : Painful bite like thing on inner thigh?

04-04-17, 13:07
Hey guys. Since yesterday I woke up with a small bump on my left thigh. It's not like a lump or anything, it feels like the middle is the size of a small mosquito bite but all around it the skin is a little red and painful to touch. It's not hard or anything either. I asked my mother about it, she said it might be a spider bite. Now I'm worried that if it was a spider bite that the bite was poisonous or that this is something more serious than just a bug bite. I think I noticed it when I first woke up in the morning, I wore shorts to bed that ended a little before where the thing is. Has anyone else had anything similar? I'm pretty scared right now.

04-04-17, 13:24
Yes, I get things that sound like that. I wear boxers that are tight on the thighs and sometimes I end up with this. I always assume it's ingrown hair as perhaps the shorts have rubbed against a hair follicle etc... Usually goes down in a week or so.

bin tenn
04-04-17, 13:24
Don't worry if it's a spider bite. Chances are a poisonous spider bite would be more obvious by now. That's just my guess based on what I've always heard/read. Give it a few days and see what happens.

04-04-17, 16:38
It can also be an ingrown hair. Very common to get them in that area.

05-04-17, 03:25
Thanks guys. It's still really red about an inch around the entire thing. I'm starting to worry that it's cancerous, the only hopeful thing I'm hanging onto is that it's painful and isn't a hard lump or anything. I looked up pictures of boils and it looks a bit like them, I just want it to go away so I can stop worrying like this.

05-04-17, 17:12
It's not cancer. It's a boil or an ingrown hair or a bite. If it were me, I'd pop it, clean it, put some neosporin on it and be done with it. Or have the doc do that. You can't tell me that you've never had a boil or ingrown hair before.