View Full Version : Are my symptoms really anxiety or something else?

04-04-17, 13:45
Hi everyone,

Haven't posted for ages, little bit about me, 28 years old, have had on and off anxiety since I was about 15, at its worst I was agoraphobic but touch wood I haven't been that bad in years.

Since early last year though I've been struggling but managing to get ttheough the days and have stayed in my job and have continued as normal as I possibly can.

The symptoms I have are pressure around my eyes and forehead/Bridge of nose, accompanied by on and off headaches which I get on average 3 days a week. Before when I got headaches I could pop a couple of panadol and they'd be gone, these ones however won't shift and when they are bad they are really bad.

I also get waves of bad fatigue which seem to be there almost every day regardless of how much sleep I get. My appetite has been fine, I'm sleeping ok and don't feel down or anything just more frustrated at it knowing what this is and the amount of time it's been here. I've been to the doctors, had numerous tests including blood etc, he seems to think it's sinus related but I'm not so sure. I've tried various sinus medications to no avail.

Has anyone else encountered similar? Could it all really be down to stress/anxiety? Has anyone else had similar issues? Would be great to hear of any advice on this.

Much appreciated


up a ladder
04-04-17, 13:48
Hi Carl.
I would have said yes in all cases but interesting that sleep and appetite are okay.
I would see a doc first jut to make sure.

Keep well

04-04-17, 14:12

Thanks for your quick response, I've been to the doc multiple times and he seems to think there's nothing seriously wrong, it's really grinding me down though I just want some normality back. I've had bloods taken etc and all was ok. Very strange, just don't know what it is.

up a ladder
04-04-17, 14:27
Hi Carl.
I suspect it is anxiety. We just underestimate what it can produce in thoughts and physical symptoms. I must admit I am constantly amazed how truly crap it can make you feel.
There is a wealth of knowledge and support to help here so keep posting and looking.

Keep well

04-04-17, 14:38

You're right, I just can't come to believe that something such as anxiety can create such horrendous symptoms etc. Thanks for the support, will have a look through and hopefully get some more responses.


04-04-17, 17:33
I'm going to go with your doctor on it being sinus related. I get those same pains every day. Have you ever tried a sinus medication that you could take daily? I know being on Allegra daily helped me so much. I still had issues but it wasn't as bad. Once, my nose even swelled up and turned bright red because it got so bad. My best advice is to get in the shower when it's really bad. That usually gives me temporary relief.

04-04-17, 18:13
Hey Ihavelostmymarbles,

I have been to the doctors about my nose before and have tried anti biotic so, anti histamine and various sprays etc, I bought a nasal rinse thing recently aswell but nothing seems to make much of a difference unfortunately. It's odd, I mostly get this pressure feeling undernand around the inside of both eyes but mainly my left eye, almost feels as though it's twitching but it isn't.

04-04-17, 20:23
Have you tried steroids? Some people need to get shots for their allergies. I really don't think what's happening to you is anxiety. There are a lot of people that struggle with allergies, and many people have issues getting them under control. Some lady told me that she had to get steroid shots every year just to stop having allergy symptoms. I have a sinus headache right now. I've also had that dumb twitch feeling below on of my eyes that lasted for weeks.

Are you on anxiety meds, in therapy, meditating, etc. to see if things improve? If it's anxiety related, a therapist and psychiatrist should be able to help you.

04-04-17, 20:32
I've tried various steroid sprays yes, nothing has really worked, I am seeing an ENT specialist in a couple of months. I'm not on any meds now other than painkillers when the headaches come and the occasional beta blocker. I've had therapy in the past but this feels different, it's like a pressure build up and heavy head. I'll keep persisting but it's been nearly a year and a half :(

04-04-17, 21:05
What about migraines? Maybe you're experiencing those?

04-04-17, 23:00
I just want to say I have exactly the same as you.

A strange pressure above eyebrows, in eyes and I also sometimes get it in my temples.

It's always there and sometimes hurts enough to be a proper headache if that makes sense.

Been to the doctors for multiple bloods, also had an MRI/A which came back all good.

Been like this for a yr now, every single doctors have told me in stress, anxiety and depression.

Anxiety etc causes headaches for 2 reasons. You are unknowingly creating tension in your body. So you could be hunching your shoulders and/or clenching your jaw which creates headaches.

Also, when you have a mental health disirder, your bodies chemicals are all out of whack, specifically serotonin and adrenaline. This causes your pain receptors in your head n face to kick in and feel pain.

If you've had this symptom for a while, as frustrating as it is (I know how frustrating it is) then you're almost certainly fine.

05-04-17, 07:34
Hey Colicab,

It really is horrible isn't it, it's just like there's no let up or anything, my Doctor did also say it could be migraines but I doubt it is.

Have you found anything that helps? Obviously there are good and bad days but sometimes it's just relentless and so draining, been like this over a year now.

05-04-17, 14:54
I would say....when I am able to relax (which is rare) i feel better.

Try to just chill out, accept it and relax.

Stop thinking about it. I know that sounds impossible but it will help.