View Full Version : Thrush in 5 year old

04-04-17, 15:04
Ok my anxiety is out of control- I am so worried about my son. I took him to a CVS minute clinic and he was diagnosed with thrush- no idea how he got it- he finished antibiotics for an ear infection like 3 weeks ago. So I googled and thrush can happen to people who have HIV or some cancers so now I am flipping out- why is this happening? Does anyone have any experience with this? The nurse practitioner acted like it wasn't a huge deal but I am freaking out

04-04-17, 15:10
Antibiotics are often the cause for Thrush and in this case that would be the cause. An anti-fungal will take care of it.

Positive thoughts

04-04-17, 15:12
Thanks for the quick reply- I ended up calling the doctor and asking the nurse- she said the same thing. I just don't understand why google makes it seem like it could be something horrible

Catherine S
04-04-17, 16:04
Google doesn't make everything sound horrible, it probably also mentioned thrush can occur as a result of taking antibiotics, but my guess is that you chose to zoom in on the worst possible scenario....which is a common theme here obviously. Please don't Google, it's not good for the soul :)


04-04-17, 16:21
Yes, oral thrush is common with antibiotics. That's why medical professionals are starting to tell us to take probiotics along get side but this is still in it's infancy.

Eat some yoghurt, it will restore the healthy bacteria that causes the bad bacteria to multiple unchecked.

Also, if he uses inhalers, oral thrush is common with them. It can occur if they are not cleaned enough.

04-04-17, 16:48
Thank you so much for your replies