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View Full Version : sertraline and increased palpitations

27-04-07, 11:19

Ive been taking sertraline for 3 and a half weeks now. Felt better, and saw my psychiatrist on Monday. Since then, Ive noticed an increase in palps. My heart is not beating faster, but it is beating stronger and I can constantly feel it. Sometimes I feel it beating in my head, ear, and eyeballs.

I thought all my anxiety symptoms would go away after starting meds, so why am I feeling my heart beat so hard?

Could it be a side effect of the sertraline? Will it go? Or do I need a change of meds?

How long should it be until the meds kick in?

Thanks for reading this - Liz xx

27-04-07, 19:43
HI! I currently take sertraline and have taken it several times in the past. I also have had SVT (a heart condition). The med doesn't fully kick in until 6 weeks, but you feel improvements week by week. TAke it easy and give the medicine time to work. It works for me, and I have had palps ever since I had my first SVT attack. The medicine did not effect my heart at all, and my cardiologist has assured me there is nothing in the med at all that would effect my heart, so I doubt that is waht it is. Hope this helps you!

27-04-07, 22:27
thank you

Liz xx