View Full Version : Yellow eyes / any other Healthcare staff on here?

04-04-17, 17:55
Well my most recent fear was that I had a Glioblastoma Multiforme (a very rare but lethal brain tumour)

As soon as my GBM fear disappeared something else replaced it: this time, the outsides of my eyes appeared yellow in photographs. Long story short saw a GP who said it doesn't look like jaundice at all, but she'd run tests to reassure me. Of course, I've been taking oral Terbinafine for toenail fungus (yes gross, I know) and it is known to induce liver issues.

Of course my colleagues and I were talking about it today and when I said I was on it, one of them jokingly said: "you could have deranged LFTs from that" (LFT - Liver function test) (We work in Pharmacy)

Either way my GP is happy nothings wrong with my eyes - but still the fear continues? What if she's wrong?

I've seen jaundiced cancer patients, and they're almost a radioactive green from it - which is nothing like what I have. I'm sorry if that sounds disrespectful there.

Also, is there anyone else on here who works in healthcare - do you find your job makes your anxiety worse?

04-04-17, 18:01
Haha yep!

I'm in PA school and learning about diseases makes me fear I have every single one of them. I'm currently in rotations but it actually helps because I see what these actual diseases look like and how sick these patients are.. so it actually helps me! It makes me realize why experienced clinicians can tell when someone is being hypochondriac vs. actually sick.

04-04-17, 21:05
Yes I'm a nurse. My HA kicked in when I was a district nurse working 6-12 midnight. It felt like everyone on my caseload was dying. Seeing people at their worst at the worst time of the day was dreadful. From a professional stance I felt privileged to care for these poorly people but personally it was dreadful for a HA sufferer. So I totally know where your coming from.

Catherine S
04-04-17, 21:55
You say you've noticed the outer part of your eyes look yellow in photographs, is that only in photographs, not visible normally? My eyes look red in photographs but it doesn't mean I'm related to the devil. You work in health care yet you doubt your own doctor.

Strangely enough, ive read quite a few threads here over the last few days from people working in the medical profession who mistrust their doctor's opinion. That doesn't bode well for the rest of us battling health anxiety and trying desperately to believe what the medical profession tell us.

So in my 'un-medical' opinion, I would say...based on the information you've given, that you don't have some awful disease.

Best wishes