View Full Version : I'm being strangled!!

04-04-17, 19:03
Ugh can somebody please put my mind at ease? I'm going stir crazy!! I've had a cough now for about 6 weeks. Started bringing up some phlegm but now it's just a dry cough. Every time I breathe out I have to cough. Airway just feels really tight as though I can't get a decent clear breath. The thing that's bothering me most is the feeling that I'm being strangled! It's like someone is jabbing 2 thumbs into my neck on both sides just below my jaw. I have a constant feeling of phlegm there that I can't shift by swallowing. My voice is also REALLY hoarse and croaky. I'm a severe health anxiety sufferer so I'm guessing I have throat cancer, oesophagus cancer, tumours on my vocal chords etc etc. I had a chest X-ray about a month ago-clear. Plus a full blood count-all normal. So, what's going on? Saw my gp yesterday who prescribed Omeprazole for possible reflux and a steroid spray for post nasal drip, but I'm not convinced I have either of these things. I'm 35. Can anyone help me out?

06-04-17, 19:40
Hi Anna3104,
I'd say go see an ENT and also a Gastroenterologist. I had something similar going on with me two months ago and I was going nuts. I too have HA so I believe that exasperated things. The ENT sprayed the numbing Surat down my throat and put the scope down my nose right down my throat. He seen nothing, but s little post nasal drip. The same day I seen the GI dr and she sent me for s barium swallow. The results showed I had moderate GERD. I was surprised, as I wasn't having heartburn etc. She explained sometimes the reflux is silent and a lot of people don't realize they even have it. Reflux can cause a constant dry cough as well the feeling of a lump in your throat... Which is what I had. My reflux was/is stressed related. Once I was able to calm down for awhile the anxiety came down and the lump in the throat sensation and cough disappeared. I say see both of these drs and get some tests done and see if your GP was correct

07-04-17, 17:28
Thank you so much for your reply. I actually broke my foot yesterday so while I was in A&E I told the doctor about my throat lump. He put an urgent referral to ENT and they rang today and I'm booked in for Tuesday. I'm absolutely petrified. Why did they fast track me so quickly? Makes me worry that the doctor was worried. I just can't shake the idea that it's cancer and I'm going to die-I know it's morbid, I can't help it! Did the reflux change your voice too? I'm so croaky!

09-04-17, 00:40
Postnasal drip & GERD can for sure cause these symptoms. GERD can also be exacerbated by anxiety. I have both, swallowing is getting easier now but throat still feels funny a lot of times. Your doctor likely referred you quickly to be on the safe side.