View Full Version : Meeting anticipation

up a ladder
04-04-17, 21:57
Meetings at work have always been one of my main panic venues. I have a meeting Wednesday about 100 miles from home.
Now I have every intention of going as I am working on the idea that every source of "therapy" suggests and I must face it. Dreading the morning as they are really bad anyway, but add that to the meeting and it gets pretty nasty.
I am relying on the fact that this time tomorrow I will be posting how easy it was.

04-04-17, 22:42
I'm with you on that. When I had my business, I was in a buying group and had to attend four meetings a year. My business was the smallest in the group, and sitting in a posh meeting room with twenty guys that reminded me of Duncan Bannatyne caused weeks of anticipatory anxiety. It was never as bad is I thought though. You will be fine and look forward to how good you will feel when it's done.