View Full Version : Kidney issues have me terrified

05-04-17, 00:18
Hello everyone. Today has been a pretty eventful day. To make a long story short, I've had a CT scan that showed kidney stones (cant remember if she said plural or singular over the phone) which is a relief since my urine test today showed lots of blood and protein. Chronic kidney failure is still haunting my mind since there was so much protein. What really got me going was the fact that my doctor called for an urgent referral to a urologist. Is this common procedure with a kidney stone?

Not to mention the CT also apparently found a lung nodule in my left side but I haven't even gotten around to worrying about that yet. What's weird is the fact that I had a chest X Ray just a few months earlier which was reported to me as being normal.

05-04-17, 02:36
ha ha well seems we have a lot in common I have had kidney stones with protein in the urine after and I also have a few nodules on my lungs. The lung nodules are really really common and not really of concern if the are under 10mm and especially is you are young and a none smoker. Kidney stones trust me when I say this can be extremely painful and this is the reason why your doctor has referred you to a urologist as they will look at dissolving them or potentially shattering them with sound waves

05-04-17, 03:19
Thanks for the reply andysa. :) You made me feel a lot better. Did you have times when you hardly felt pain from the kidney stone? Ten hours ago I was on the floor in agony but now by comparison I feel great. The pain is maybe a 2, just enough to notice. They've given me a strainer incase I pass the stone while I do my business, but nothing yet from what I could gather. Never experienced such intense pain in that region before but now it's almost like a minor back ache.

05-04-17, 06:45
renal colic is the worse pain I have ever experienced but once the stone is in the bladder it was like somebody turned off a switch, pain was like a dull thob like I had had a heavy session at gym

05-04-17, 10:01
Hello everyone. Today has been a pretty eventful day. To make a long story short, I've had a CT scan that showed kidney stones (cant remember if she said plural or singular over the phone) which is a relief since my urine test today showed lots of blood and protein. Chronic kidney failure is still haunting my mind since there was so much protein. What really got me going was the fact that my doctor called for an urgent referral to a urologist. Is this common procedure with a kidney stone?

Not to mention the CT also apparently found a lung nodule in my left side but I haven't even gotten around to worrying about that yet. What's weird is the fact that I had a chest X Ray just a few months earlier which was reported to me as being normal.

Lung nodules are a common incidental finding; I believe I read that over a third of all people have them. They are considered "normal" unless the doctor feels they have a suspicious appearance (which is rare).

My dad has kidney stones. The blood and protein in your urine are caused by them. They are a common but very painful condition, at least when you are passing one. It is also possible for a kidney stone to block your ureter (tube between kidneys and bladder) or cause scarring, which is probably why your doctor wants it treated urgently.
Common treatment today involves vibrating the stones with strong sound waves, which causes them to break into tiny bits which can be safely passed in your urine. This is called extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, and my dad has had it done several times.
It is great that you caught this in time. Everything should be fine.
Best wishes.