View Full Version : White spots around / under the eye

27-04-07, 13:20
Hello all,

I have been doing very good of late, seeing psycolagist and I have also lowered my medication.

I was washing my face this morning and noticed about 4-5 white spots under the right eye.

My wife said that there is nothing to worry about and they are properly sties of somekind.

Does anybody have these and are they nothing to worry about?


27-04-07, 13:30
Are they on the skin under the eye as opposed to on the actual eye??

If they are on the skin could they just be milia (milk spots) if so then that's just a blocked pore the same way a blackhead is.


27-04-07, 13:32
Hi Red

I had a white spot in the corner of my eye and one underneath my eye ages ago, I kept trying to pick it off thinking it was a bit of sleep in my eye. Saw my GP and he said it was like a very tiny sty/cyst.

It went away on its own after a few weeks. I'm sure yours will too.

K xx:)

27-04-07, 13:36
Are they on the skin under the eye as opposed to on the actual eye??

If they are on the skin could they just be milia (milk spots) if so then that's just a blocked pore the same way a blackhead is.



They are not on the eye, they are on the skin.


27-04-07, 14:21
I use to have these and my sister has loads.
If they're what i am thinking about, they are like little round hard lumps under the skin, i use to call them "acid spots". Me being me, i use to pick at them with a needle (I DO NOT SUGGEST YOU DO THIS), and a little white thing would pop out.
Harmless, i assure you :)


05-05-07, 17:52
These are tiny deposits of fat under the skin. I've got quite a few, some people have loads. They can come and go or are there all the time. You cant really 'pop' them as they don't have a head. These milia are very common in babies - I have heard them called 'milk spots'. I don't know if you can do anything about them, they are unsightly but totally harmless.