View Full Version : Binge drinker with low blood calcium - triggered panic!

05-04-17, 02:19
I know it sounds weird.to be a chronic self destructive binge drinker who blacks out most Saturday nights from too much wine and occasionally spends up to a week staying drunk and not sobering up to worry about their health...but I do. This vicious cycle of falling into these liver destroying episodes has got me freaking out today to the point of years and pleading with somebody that its not serious time time. I'm currently sat in my living room while my boyfriend is sleeping googling every possible phrase and keyword associated with low calcium reading.
I had the blood tests done a few weeks ago after a 5 day long binge on alcohol, for any damage that mightve been done. I anxiously awaited the results and was relieved to hear all was normal except calcium levels were a bit low so id need another test. At the time i just thought at least my livers ok, who cares about calcium... But then today I decided to google what low calcium meant and it gas triggered a massive attack of health anxiety.. Is my liver not absorbing calcium due to some defect...is it something to do with my kidneys or pancreas?? So when at 7pm (before googling) I was feeling relatively calm to now at 10 past 2 in the morning sitting here as a wide eyed bag of dread.
People will probably say "well if you're so worried about your health why don't you stop drinking?" and I agree its a good question but I don't have the answer. I have stopped drinking alcohol on weeknights, but I fear this is exacerbating my health anxiety in the short term..
The anxiety came first when I was about 14 after a breast cancer scare and has been with me ever goddamn since. I am now 30 and have been drinking to numb the anxiety since I realised it numbs it when I was about 25. Im what you might call an alcohol abuser/self medicator.

Could this low calcium reading be completely unrelated to the drinking? Could it just be due to a lack of sunlight or dairy? I hope so..
Thanks for reading and ill appreciate any reassurance/friendly replies.
Sorry for the terrible spelling and grammar; I'm writing this on a badly cracked mobile model that's around 6 years old..and wasn't exactly state of the art when it was released. Thanks for reading

05-04-17, 02:32
You sound like you have an issue with the drink, Which can be treated. get yourself to an AA meeting and you can start to turn your life around. I have been sober for 10 years and it is with out a doubt the best thing I have ever done. As for the calcium this is not something to be too worried about just get a supplement if you smoke stop.

05-04-17, 02:37
Hi thanks for your message. Yeah I have been trying to sort out the drinking over the past two years (since it got a lot worse).
I'm not so much worried about the low calcium but more, what's causing it. A damaged liver? Damaged pancreas etc. Just can't rationalise it and knowing its potentially self inflicted makes it even worse :"(

05-04-17, 03:01
Hi hi. First off sorry to hear about your anxiety. I also think it's good to recognize that your drinking is a problem. I think that's a great first step to recovery!

To answer your question: yes, it's very likely to stem from your drinking. Without trying to scare you or make you feel any worse, alcohol abuse destroys your body. It can destroy everything from liver to your pancreas. There is also a chance that it stems from something unrelated, like a simple hormone imbalance- but that is your doctors job to figure out. If he's a good doc he will get to the root of the cause and help you with treatment - most likely starting with AA.

I think it's really important to know that no judgement is being passed at all. Alcoholism is something I think most of us could probably relate to in one way or another and I really hope that maybe a little health scare could help you really tone it down or quit all together. The best of luck to you!!

05-04-17, 06:53
Your calcium levels are much more likely to be caused by low vitamin d levels or a hormone issue as apposed to your drinking. Drinking does quite a lot of damage to your body but tends to show as damage to your liver which would mean your ALT and AST levels would be high. you can get low calcium from pancreatitis but you would be in considerable amounts of pain if this was the case. You are young and also your location would more than likely mean you are vit d deficient

05-04-17, 09:10
I take it the blood tests are through a GP? And by low levels of calcium do they mean low but still within acceptable range? If not, then a GP can easily give you calcium medication to boost those levels, something many women take daily.

As for the sunlight, obviously there is a possibility of that anyway with any of us in the UK, but from what you've said I can't see how that's determined by location since things differ a fair bit across the country. The quality of our light isn't good enough but it's hardly causing a public health issue. Maybe with more information?

Supplementing vitamin D is normally a good idea though but if you are taking stronger supplements, research your vitamin K2 requirements too because over a certain level of vitamin D needs enough K2 to ensure calcium is channelled properly (one of K2's functions) or it can cause calcium deposits in places you don't want.

05-04-17, 16:26
Thanks for everyone's replies. Got another blood test to check calcium levels on Friday... Hopefully it'll just be down to lack of sunlight!!! X

05-04-17, 16:44
Hi Alcopop well first glad you have recognised you have a drink problem there is lots of help out there via support groups like the AA. Alcohol Anonymous I had a problem with gambling many years ago and got help through Gamblers Anonymous they are both run on a 12 step programme very supportive and none judgemental and will give you a warm welcome. So Good luck on that you can get better :) As for the other points raised it could point lack of sunlight etc so hope your dr comes up with answers you need :) Cheers

07-04-17, 14:29
Hi again - I didn't want to write a whole new post cos this is still related...
Liver function blood test came back normal......which I was obviously relieved about....but now I'm panicking after reading a lot of stuff about the only way you can REALLY tell if your liver is damaged is through a scan! Does this mean the blood test result means nothing and my liver could in fact be damaged?! Feeling v anxious ��.. Thanks in advance.

07-04-17, 14:50
Hi again - I didn't want to write a whole new post cos this is still related...
Liver function blood test came back normal......which I was obviously relieved about....but now I'm panicking after reading a lot of stuff about the only way you can REALLY tell if your liver is damaged is through a scan! Does this mean the blood test result means nothing and my liver could in fact be damaged?! Feeling v anxious ��.. Thanks in advance.

Even if your liver should be damaged the other test still proves it is working fine, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just stop drinking and your liver is probably fine for the next 50 years atleast.

07-04-17, 15:14
Hi there - I used to worry a lot about my liver and the worrying was based on the fact that I used to also drink excessively. I will tell you this (not to scare you) but if you continue to binge drink like you are, you will likely get liver damage as liver damage is directly related to alcohol abuse. The good news is, your enzymes were good so if you stop this pattern of binge drinking now, your liver will likely regenerate and heal itself. I definitely do not think you are past the point of no return, but just stay safe and get some help with your drinking. I had the same issue with drinking so I know had exactly how you feel and how hard it can be to stop. Good luck honey!!!

07-04-17, 15:44
I too was a long time drinker. I'm lucky I didn't get liver damage. Drinking also causes anxiety and depression. I would go to an AA meeting and meet sober friends and learn how to live a healthier life style. You will be surprise how much happier you will be.

07-04-17, 16:57
Hi I doubt you liver is permanently or even partially damaged it's a very strong organ which can take some stick and rejuvenate it's self but again if you still don't feel 100% then get more tests done but if my dr had told me what he has told you I would be ok with that :) As for your binge drinking how are you getting on are you still finding it hard to cope? Cheers

Catherine S
07-04-17, 17:09
Whatever you've read online, if there were real problems with your liver it would show up in a blood test....a scan would only confirm it. Even before liver damage sets in enzyme counts would show changes, so it looks like you're fine at the moment, but it will catch up with you in the future if you carry on drinking as you do i'm afraid.

Take care

07-04-17, 17:53
Whatever you've read online, if there were real problems with your liver it would show up in a blood test....a scan would only confirm it. Even before liver damage sets in enzyme counts would show changes, so it looks like you're fine at the moment, but it will catch up with you in the future if you carry on drinking as you do i'm afraid.

Take care

I am so sorry to have to say that this is not true.. my brother has non-alcoholic cirrhosis and his bloodwork continues to be normal. They found it as an incidental finding while doing an endoscopy for a different issue.

07-04-17, 23:25
Hi everyone. I'm still struggling with controlling my drinking. Luckily I have a very supportive boyfriend who won't let me drink on weekdays and keeps me in check. I have attended AA meetings in the past but I don't think I'm ready to accept a life of sobriety just yet but I've cut down a lot. I've been on NMP forums before over various worries under other names...but this is my first account since falling victim to the demon drink which started around 3 years ago. Thanks all for your advice. Much appreciated x

Catherine S
08-04-17, 00:06
Sorry for the misinformation Nancy. I didn't realise that, I was under the impression blood tests showed up pre-damage changes. Makes you wonder why they bother with blood tests really then doesn't it. I'll be checking that with my doctor when I go for my blood results next Tuesday. Apparently its being tested for 5 different things including liver function....but do I believe the results..that will now be the question.

Thanks for putting us straight, as you always do.


08-04-17, 12:52
Hi AP I know where you are coming from it was exactly the same for me it was to numb my loneliness but I was a gambler and a huge over eater so both were used to numb my condition(s) to try and make me feel better actually on to give me false hope this I realise now it was false hope. 10 years and more ago I wouldn't have listened to any one or any organisation/charity or what ever. These groups don't say oh well you haven't given up so you aren't welcome far from it. I just think you need the support network from AA to help you and be there for you :) I also would go back to your dr and ask him for help with your anxiety and may be offer some therapy for you It has to be worth a go :) Cheers

08-04-17, 20:02
Nancy, hope you don't mind me asking, how was your brother,s condition diagnosed from an endoscopy?

08-04-17, 21:05
Nancy, hope you don't mind me asking, how was your brother,s condition diagnosed from an endoscopy?

esophageal varices

We are horrified. He had bloodwork done every year to make sure his liver was not being affected by his medication. His most recent bloodwork - specific to the liver - was normal.