View Full Version : Blood in stool..

05-04-17, 08:28
Hey everyone, I've been trying really hard not to post on here anymore because I'm trying to get better (I'm sure you've all seen my rabies post) but something happened recently that has me freaking out. Long story short I accidentally swallowed a chicken bone a few days ago. It was a small shard and it was really sharp. I felt it go down my throat and panicked but everyone kept telling me it happens and I'll be fine. I ignored it and a day or two ago I started getting some minor pains every once in a while in my lower right abdomen. I thought about the chicken bone but tried to keep ignoring it. I was fine until about half an hour ago when I went to the bathroom. I had diarrhea and there was a big cloud of blood in it. It was bright red, not dark so I guess that's a good sign. But basically I'm worried the chicken bone may have punctured something inside me.. I've heard a lot of horror stories about these scenarios and I can't stop stressing, thinking about the possibility of needing surgery or dying. I have a doctor's appointment the day after tomorrow but I just want some advice on whether or not it seems like the bone is the culprit and if I should go to the hospital or just wait until I see my doctor.