View Full Version : Sensation around Adam's Apple that I need to burp or have a lump in my throat

05-04-17, 13:43
Hello all,

I had been doing so well, I don't think I've had to come back here for a while - now my latest thing is a throat sensation which has me dreading everything.

When I was a regular user on here, I'd see multiple people posting about lymph nodes and it must have seeded some bad thoughts in my mind that have sent me down this path. Here's a condensed history of the last month or so:

1 month ago (or perhaps two actually)

I noticed a raised area near my sternum where my sternum meets my collar bone. It feels like this is where my first bone should be on the left side, it's quite different to the right. It sort of runs flush with my collarbone - it might well just be a different first rib on the left hand side.

I got it into my head this must be a lymph thing, so I started worrying. Then I panicked that it might be related to the 1-2 secs of pain I get with EVERY sneeze I make - I've had that for 3 years now, most likely brought on from when I used to crack my chest by twisting my torso.

3-4 weeks ago

New diet and I was thinking about lunch and could feel the sensation of the fatty sausages I was about to eat in my throat. It felt like I needed to burp to clear the feeling although that didn't really relieve it.

I've now connected this to a clicking sensation and noise I feel sometimes around my Adam's Apple when turning my neck. I also notice I can make the click when swallowing foods with my head tilted downward or facing slightly sideways - noticeable with dried foods like granola without the milk.

However it doesn't happen when I don't think about it. It hasn't really got any worse, I've been poking and prodding around there debating whether to go to the doctor and scare myself with tests, scans, xrays etc.

My ultimate worry is that this raised area near my collar bone (which could have been there all along) is linked to some swallowing sensations I've been having.

It's not stopping me from eating, drinking etc, I'm just conscious of what can feel like an air bubble just sitting there during the day, and self tests like swallowing all day long can't be helping.

Sorry for unloading like that, I had to tell someone.

05-04-17, 15:02
Do you suffer from acid reflux?

05-04-17, 15:10
I seem to get it periodically - but not in this form though, I would get it as a momentary dull pain that would feel like it's on my right side of my ribcage but it would disappear after a couple of days of non-acidic diet.

I'm not 100% sure it is acid reflux although I guess there might be a good chance?

05-04-17, 15:16
It sounds like a classic acid reflux symptom. You don't need to be having an acid atrack to experience discomfort in the throats and oesophagus.

Obviously, I can't be certain. Nobody can. You'd need to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis. But I'd be happy to bet it is related to reflux.