View Full Version : Does anyone find rainy dark weather makes their HA worse? Or harder to cope with?

05-04-17, 15:19
I woke up today feeling shaky with a fast heartbeat and that sent me down a terribly negitive path, thinking something or one of my latest health concerns must be getting worse and this is why I feel the way I do this AM. But thinking about it, on other days I woke up feeling similar, if it was a beautiful sunny day I was able to force myself to go outside appriciate the beauty of the weather, and I honestly felt like it was less likely that something sinister would be happening on such a nice day. But on a dark rainy day like today, I always find it harder to snap out of my state of worrying. Am I alone in this?

05-04-17, 16:52
Not at all, I feel the same, I don't know why but I do know if it is sunny I am more inclined to go out & getting out often improves my mood:) xx

05-04-17, 16:58
The sun is great (vitamin D and all that good stuff), but I am a bit of a Pluviophile; I love the rain.

But the weather can affect your mood, definitely.

05-04-17, 17:13
I have trouble with lack of sunshine in the winter. I don't have HA, but it definitely makes my depression worse.

05-04-17, 17:47
I feel the exact same way. It seems that my anxiety and depression are both worse when the weather is dark and rainy. Weather can really affect your mood more than we realize! It seems like I always expect bad things to happen when it's not sunny! :unsure:

05-04-17, 18:32
Rainy dark skies are my spirit animal. I LOVE them!!!! :D

05-04-17, 22:12
I feel the exact same way. It seems that my anxiety and depression are both worse when the weather is dark and rainy. Weather can really affect your mood more than we realize! It seems like I always expect bad things to happen when it's not sunny! :unsure:

Exactly!! I always imagine bad things will happen on a cloudy or rainy day. Glad to know I'm not alone!