View Full Version : Cervical cancer worries :(

05-04-17, 16:09
Hi guys, hope you're all doing well.

I'm having cervical cancer worries because I've been having bleeding in between periods.
I'm not on birth control.

It all started in January. My boyfriend of 9 years and I decided to take a break for a week and a half and it put me under extreme stress and depression. My period was a week late (not surprised) and then when it came, it was very light. For a bout a month and 7 days I had a mixture of light and moderate bleeding. It stopped for two days in between but continued for a month a 7 days.

I went to my doctor and she did a transvaginal ultrasound (I did this while I was still bleeding) and that came back clear. I also did some blood work but that was taken after the bleeding had stopped in February and it also came back clear. It was an overall check up and to check my hormones.

After the bleeding lasted a month and 7 days it had totally stopped for about 3 weeks when my bf and I got back together and things were getting back to normal. But we ended up having problems once again and the bleeding came back almost instantly as soon as I reached that level of stress and depression that I had in January. So this second bleeding started March 7 and it's been going on every day, it's very light so I wear a liner.

My bf and I are still trying to work things out but What I've noticed is that the bleeding worsens when I'm stressed but when I'm not it's very light. I also start to get this pain in the lower centre of my stomach. But this stops when I'm not worried or stressed.

Now I don't know if it could just be stress or if it's something more serious. I just want to be able to wait until it stops again and see if it continues before going back to the doctors. I've never had a Pap smear done, I'm 23 years old. I'm so scared that there are cancer cells. Although my transvaginal ultrasound came back clear. Thinking about it is just making the lower stomach pain come :(

05-04-17, 20:47
Anyone? :(

27-04-17, 03:28
Hate when no one responds. Are you doing better? Hope so!

27-04-17, 04:02
Sounds more like stress then cancer. My cycles are screwed up at the moment thanks to anxiety :(

27-04-17, 15:31

I can relate to your worries so much. I had a few abnormal smears, although only borderline/mild and not ever treated. Because of this, with several 'inconclusive' smears dotted in between I went through about 3 years of having a smear test every few months. Although it never led to anything and I ended up being able to go back on the 3 year screening cycle It left me with huge levels of anxiety related to smear tests.

If I can offer you some reassurance it would be that I had the exact same symptoms as you about 6 months ago. I had strange 'short' periods, my cycle went weird, and I had bleeding between periods. My doctor was quite dismissive. I had some swabs, they were normal. I went back to the doctor several times, they correctly told me that it is VERY COMMON for women to bleed mid cycle. In my case it could be that I have a small cervical ectropion which many people have but not a lot of people know about. My GP told me it is also caused by stress, by small hormone imbalances and by taking certain vitamin supplements.

I never got to the bottom of an exact cause. But I recently had my cervical screening and felt so worried. Everything came back normal. Try to remember how incredibly common bleeding between cycles is, and how rare cervical cancer is.