View Full Version : Negativism

05-04-17, 18:52
Hello everyone.
Apart from my DPDR, there's another, quite related problem I am experiencing, which is a really depressing and negative attitude towards life. Like, I don't really feel depressed, but rather constantly angry. The reason for this might sound really dumb, but it's also a thing that is a part of my DPDR. I don't even know how to start this, but let's start with a recent fact.
When I got my DPDR episode from smoking weed 4 months ago, some time around the same time, I met this girl I really really liked. Long story short, I spent months developing relationship but still in the end, I was reject. What was even more frustrating, is that I also developed a huge crush on her best friend, which really doesn't help the situation at all. And, her friend also rejected me. All these things have given me the deeply negative attitude to life and lowered my self esteem significally. Like, it wasn't these 2 girls, it's that I've had crushes on many girls before, like around 20, and in all cases I've been rejected. Meanwhile, what makes me even more jelous and mad is that almost all of my friends do have a girlfriend or at least have had an interraction with a girl. Then there's me, a total failure in that area. I mean, I am just 17 and I still have lots of time, but I feel that with my attitude and my social anxiety I will never be able to find a girlfriend. All this has made me really hate everything, I am pissed most of the time about everything and expecially about the fact that those 2 girls I have a huge crush on have both rejected me. In this situation, I feel really left out and it fuels my negative outlook and hate towards life, myself and others. While my DPDR has significally decreased, I believe that this problem also fuels it. Anyone got any suggestions about this?