View Full Version : Does anyone else experience this? Or should I be freaked out

05-04-17, 19:13
So I have health anxiety most of the time I can just ignore it and put my mind to something else but recently
It happened after my first ever panic attack 2 years ago
I began having muscle fisculations I was worried I had als or ms
Well I got over that one and moved on
Fast forward to now my legs still have the fisculations and now random parts of my body twitch I notice it gets worse specially now that I'm constantly thinking about it there's no numbness, weakness, or pain I know I don't have als and probably don't have ms
I was more or less just wondering if anyone else has this on a daily basis. It just freaks me out a little bit I don't feel like my leg should twitch all the time (it gets worse if I smoke weed) I try to just tell myself it's a nervous tick.( can anxiety really give you this though?) I dunno just exhausted from always worrying about it.

05-04-17, 19:16
I did this to myself in 2009 and then again in 2014. It was horrid. I was obsessed with every weird muscle twitch and pain for months. I also noticed spams and the shaking of my hands. It's insane what anxiety can do. Eventually I moved on to something different, which really isn't any better but the point is that it went away and therefor nothing was actually wrong.

05-04-17, 20:38
"I dunno just exhausted from always worrying about it."

And your body is exhausted too from all the worry.

A tense mind leads to a tense body. The old saying "mind over matter" is what can help you overcome symptoms caused by anxiety. When you can accept that your worries can manifest themselves physically with muscle tension and aches and pains then you will start to fear the symptoms and pains less. This in turn leads to less tension in the body and less symptoms.

It won't cure your anxiety or pains overnight. Anxiety doesn't usually crop up out of nowhere. Usually it's a case of someone managing stress and emotions poorly for years before the anxiety episodes/attacks and symptoms occur. A reduction of stress for a prolonged period will improve your symptoms significantly.
