View Full Version : Coughing Up Blood

Darren O
05-04-17, 19:43
Evening all. Week before gone had a bit of a cold, Then on Saturday started coughing up phlegm with was bloody :scared15: Went docs on Monday afternoon and told him my symptoms and shown him pics of what was coming up. He asked me if I could to hospital for blood tests and chest xray that day which I did. Im a 33 year old male, Quit smoking 3 years ago (smoked for approx 15 years) obviously im very worried by this. Feel like ive a lot of phlegm on my chest, It seems to be bloody when I really to need to get the phlegm up and not every time I cough up. Most of them are just phlegm, but when they do have blood mixed in it does seem quite a lot. Doc said if anything shows I will get a call but nothing as of yet - Hospital said chest xray results take 10 working days. Does someone have a quick look at xrays before the standard 10 day result in case of something showing? Would my doc have been notified by now if anything was showing on xray or blood tests?

Dont mean to sound like a big pansy but im really worried, I suffer with health anxiety and dont know what to do anymore. I wish I could just get on and enjoy life, But every corner I turn something seems to crop up.

Thanks all for taking the time to read


Catherine S
05-04-17, 19:49
Darren, it could be just a small blood vessel in your throat that's been irritated with the coughing, this can happen. Someone on the forum could explain the waiting times for chest xrays better than me though, i'm not sure myself, however my rule of thumb with any test result is the longer you wait the better the result.


05-04-17, 22:44
I think if something was wrong then you would have received a call. Is it possible that it's a sinus thing? I had a sinus infection and bloody mucus was coming up. I was given an antibiotic and it cleared it right up.

06-04-17, 03:26
This has happened to me when I had a severe cold. I guess all the coughing and hacking burst some blood vessels which made the phlegm look bloody. If it is from broken vessels, the mucus will look streaked with blood, and there won't be a huge amount of it. I hope your tests results come back soon and are reassuring.

06-04-17, 08:53
I have had a cough for 4-5 months, had bloods taken 14 weeks ago and chest xray 2 weeks ago which was clear.

The only thing I can say is that I was told at the Radiology department that unless the Dr specifies urgent then they wait for the Radiologist to look at the xray - luckily for me it took the same day and my results where in.

I always say if you hear nothing within a week assume all is normal.

Darren O
06-04-17, 14:29
Thanks for your replies everyone. I never really did have much of a cough until now. I seem to have like a tickly throat cough now though. Woke up today with the usual thick bloody qatar/phlegm stuck to the back of my throat. Had blood tests back today - All normal. Just waiting on xray now