View Full Version : Can symptoms change

05-04-17, 19:51
I've been constipated for most of my life, have had two fissures requiring surgery, and have piles too.

In the last six weeks or so, coinciding with increased very serious stress and worries in my life, I have had diarrhoea, just once a day, in the mornings, but have the most awful gurgling churning stomach after my main meal in the evening, and am very, very windy. Sorry, TMI, but it is quite uncomfortable.

Last year I was on a sugar free diet, and over the last two months have not been so strict. I had lost weight through this healthier diet and am also on a strict exercise regime, so weight loss is not unexpected, rapid or worrying. However, I do think a bit of sugar and sometimes bread, pasta and other things I had avoided before might have caused a change in my symptoms.

Also, this year because I have been unable to sleep I have been taking Nytol about twice or three times a week, and now know this can cause tummy upsets. Less than four hour's sleep on a very regular basis has made me feel very jaded, but I don't think this is unnatural or worrying.

I had a colonoscopy less than two years ago and all was fine. I have spoken to my doctor who has prescribed antispasmodics to help relieve the discomfort. I am just worried, as ever, thinking the worst. The specialist who did the colonoscopy and the doctor think it is probably IBS, but if the problem continues the doctor will have another think.

Has anyone else had a change in their symptoms like this? Is it possible extreme worry and problems can effect my digestive system like this? The stress has been long term and I think I have grown so used to living in a state of high alert and worry that I am not aware now if I actually feel any different because of it. Any views or opinions would be much appreciated. Thank you so very much in advance.

05-04-17, 20:05
What do you think has caused constipation throughout most of your life? How has your diet been throughout that time on the whole?

Stress can cause constipation or diarrhoea. In fact stress to the gut in general is pretty common with anxiety and worry. People can get stomach pains, gas, nausea, lack of appetite or eating too much through comfort eating etc.

What was causing you to struggle to sleep? A few nights of difficulty sleeping, can, if you're a worrier lead into a vicious cycle where you fear going to bed because you worry "what if I can't get to sleep" and you find your brain won't shut off when you're trying to sleep and the whole process becomes overworked and unnecessarily complicated.

A good diet, plenty of water, exercise and not stimulating your mind too much before bed can all help with sleep and also how your stomach functions. Reading a book before bed or having a herbal tea or doing some meditation can work wonders too. Most people will be staring at a screen of some sort in the run up to bed, and if you're sensitive to sleep issues this won't help.

If tests are coming back ok then it's best to look to your diet and attempting to reduce stress.

As for changing symptoms, for people who worry and fret over a certain aspect of health or a pain/symptom it's very easy for 1 symptom to replace another. Especially if something new comes along. it can feel unexpected and make you switch focus from the previous symptom to the new one. With this sort of vicious cycle you can wind up consistently replacing one symptom with another. Funny how the previous symptoms tend to disappear once your mind/worries focus on the new one eh?

Here's the thing to remember - mind over matter. If the mind is stressed the body will follow suit. We can all accept that our mind controls our body. It allows us to do every movement that we make and talk and type etc. So why is it so difficult to accept that our mind can make our body ache and feel sensations that aren't pleasant?


07-04-17, 06:53
Thanks Ed for taking the time and trouble to respond, and you raise some relevant points. Sleep is awful, despite being really tired when I go to bed. I often wake up having panic attacks and am then wide awake for the rest of the night. I do read before trying to go to sleep, and stay up as late as I can to make sure I am properly tired, and sometimes doze off on the sofa.

I have been trying to eat more dairy things in my diet, and probably because I try and avoid sugar have been eating a bit more cheese than I ever have in my life. I always try and stick to non-processed healthy food.

The problems we've been facing as a family have been long term, but a further issue in February did tip me over the edge emotionally. I think because I have been in a state of stress for so long, I may not realise just how much this additional worry has effected my body, especially digestion. I have just got used to being upset, worried, with regular panics in addition to the night time ones. Not a good place to be at all, and apart from occasional prescriptions when it all gets too much and some online counselling which didn't help at all, I just grit my teeth and try and get on with things until a conclusion of our situation is reached.

Sean Yaxley
13-04-17, 19:28
I have almost exactly the same problem, years of constipation then this last 8 months or so I have diarrhea every morning, I don't excrete any other time. I'm also sick straight after sitting on the loo most mornings, it gets to me but it seems to coincide with a lot of stress myself and the family have been dealing with. The issues causing the stress seem to be getting better, now we'll just have to wait and see if my symptoms improve or not.

14-04-17, 07:39
So sorry to hear you have been suffering too, Sean. Before our problems started I would never have believed what it can actually do it your health.

I had to go to see an eye surgeon as I had a mole behind my retina - all was fine and I was only sent as a precaution - but he found scarring too. He said this was probably either due to drug use/over use of anti-histamines (not applicable!), or stress.

Also, both my husband and I, within months of each other had to start long, expensive courses of dental treatment. At first the dentist thought we both had gum disease (we both had strong, healthy teeth and looked after them), but after referral to more specialised dentist, he found we both had infections which were usually caused by - stress. So, stress is proving very expensive for us.

I hope your symptoms do get better. Thankfully I have a great doctor who knows me, and will refer me for further investigations if things don't get better. I am trying to remain sensible and not go to nuclear as the chances of this being something v serious are low as I only had a colonoscopy two years ago, and I believe it usually takes much longer for something sinister to develop. Have you been to see your doctor?

18-04-17, 14:10
I'm getting really concerned about this issue now. Tummy still gurgling away after meals, and, sorry if this is TMI, my poo is a bit more solid now, but very thin and ribbon-like. I'm going to see my doctor next week. Has anyone else had IBS which has changed from constipation to diarrhoea like this, and after a lifetime of being constipated? I'm trying to remain sensible, bearing in mind that it is at the most 2 years since a colonoscopy, but I am really struggling now.