View Full Version : please can anyone relate to this symptom

miss motown
27-04-07, 16:48
for quite a few months now ive been getting this very dry mouth and i sound very horse when i speak.today has been really bad every time i went to speak i sounded terrible my mouth is so dry.my sister asked had i had any blood tests to rule anythink out i said no and she reckons i should go and have some done shes a nurse and i got paranoid as i think she knows wot it could be but wont mention it cancer is in my mind and i think it was in hers the way she just came out with the blood test thing i didnt like to ask her wot she thought cos i didnt really want the answer does anyone else have this horrid dry throat and carnt speak as your to dry:weep:

27-04-07, 17:05
Hi Miss Motown,
I think we talked about this the other day didn't we? I thought afterwards, are you taking any medication? I have taken some tablets before that have dried me out so much that not only did I lose my voice but I would get nosebleeds too.
Also it could be that you are so aware of it that you are swallowing too much and drying your self out.
I think though you, like me, will probably get the most reassurance from your doctor but try not to worry. There are so many minor things that could be the cause but we only ever hear of the bad ones. I'm sure you'll be fine :)

27-04-07, 17:36
Hi Miss motown,

are you asthmatic or do you take inhalers for any reason as they can cause hoarseness sometimes.....I do think its worth a trip to the doc, just for the reassurance cos if not you'll continue to worry anyway, and there are loads of simple explanations I'm sure.

Take care

luv Coni XX

27-04-07, 19:58
Hi there.

Not sure if this is any help, but I often get a really dry mouth and my voice goes hoarse when I'm nervous. Generally this happens if I have to do public speaking or something, or starting a new job or anything which makes me nervous, even little things. I just have to clear my throat a lot, but I assume it is just something to do with a surge of adrenaline.

Try not to worry - I am sure it is fine. You could see your doctor for reassurance if you are still worrying about it :) xxx