View Full Version : Does anyone know if I'll have memory problems from Ativan?

05-04-17, 22:13
Really don't take Ativan very much but I've been recently taking it for about four days in a row. Will this make my memory mess up?

05-04-17, 23:19
Really don't take Ativan very much but I've been recently taking it for about four days in a row. Will this make my memory mess up?

If you mean immediately while you're taking it, yes it could. But it won't forever more.

BTW-Ativan (lorazepam) is one of the naturally occurring benzodiazepines found in most foods (Wildman J (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3172979), 1988; Klotz U (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1992279), 1999). Your brain has been exposed to tiny amounts since before you were born.

06-04-17, 02:40
If I have to take it multiple days in a row I am forgetful of things but after a couple days of not it's all back to normal.

06-04-17, 13:21
Ativan were the best meds for me. I took them years ago. Unfortunately our local GP's surgery will not prescribe them now:shrug:

06-04-17, 23:13