View Full Version : Placenta previa

05-04-17, 22:14
I found out that I have this today. That's just another thing I get to worry about during this pregnancy. Now my upper back is hurting and I'm thinking it's a pulmonary embolism. This is another scary pregnancy for me. I wish I could go back to just blaming everything on anxiety :(

06-04-17, 21:01
sorry you got bad news that must have been a shock. But it is very common and the risks are much lower now that you know. It's when you don't know that it is more dangerous.

Aches and pains in pregnancy are normal too so try not to worry about your back. Your body is pushed to the limit when you are pregnant

06-04-17, 22:22
Thanks for your response! I'm not sure if I should read about it or not. The doctor just said to not do anything strenuous and that baby and I should be fine.

06-04-17, 22:24
How far along are you? Many placenta previas move as the uterus grows. Also, PE= coughing, shortness of breath, etc. pain in the back is par for course in pregnancy. Is this your first?

07-04-17, 01:50
Fourth pregnancy. I'm around 22 weeks pregnant. I didn't think I'd have these pains this early.