View Full Version : Hypnotherapy advice please

27-04-07, 21:20
I have had a few sessions with a hypnotherapist, but felt I wasn't getting on with her & in fact my wibbles (as I refer to them!) have got worse. I then found another hypnotherapist who I seemed to 'gel' with better & after an initial consultation, I made an appointment to see her the following week. I turned up for my session today & after waiting 30 minutes outside her house (I knocked, but no reply) I rang her to check whether I'd got the date/time right. She basically laughed & said as she was running late with her present client, she couldn't now see me until next week otherwise it would make her late for her next client after me! To say I was upset was an understatement, but I kept calm & said I would ring to re-book when I got home. Anyway there is no way I want to go & see her & so could anyone recommend another therapist in the Hampshire area. I actually live in Gosport, but would willingly travel for help!


27-04-07, 21:34

How unprofessional of her!!

Check out the website page on here and there are links on how to find a registered hypnotherapist.

28-04-07, 19:04
I've made an appointment to see a lady in Portsmouth next week - so fingers crossed! I'll let you know how I get on.

28-04-07, 20:34
Hi Tiggs

Pleased to hear you have a appointment booked, will be looking forward to hearing how the hypnotherapy goes.:)


29-04-07, 06:40
Hi Tiggs-good luck and let us know how you get on-I am considereing trying hypnotherapy too Bubble

03-05-07, 12:31
LOL - Well I had to laugh - the lady in Portsmouth cancelled due to having a cough!!! :weep: So now I'm going to try my 4th therapist (do you think someone is trying to tell me something?!! :wacko: ) This one actually sounds really nice & I warmed to her very much over the phone (unlike the others) So fingers, toes & anything else you can think of crossed. My appointment is next week & I can't wait. I've got a social function to go to Friday evening which I'm getting a tad worried about - but if I do end up fainting at least I'll have a load of nice Naval Officers in uniform to pick me up!!!! I'm trying to treat my 'wibbles' as a joke now, so they will wibble off & never be seen again!!!

03-05-07, 12:36
Tiggs have you tried any of paul mckenna's stuff?

Ashley xxxxxxxxx