View Full Version : Looking for help may b Agoraphobia

06-04-17, 02:29
Hi there i just been reading alot on line about why i feel the way i do and come across this forum... even tho people are suffering and in a weird way it helps to read people have the sAme fears and condition as me makes me feel like im not as odd and alone as i thought i was....
I really have a massive problem with leaving my home if i have a social even such as a eveing out with friends and even worse sleeping away from home i have never been able to do for a while now(about 3 years)
I have always had this but got alot worse lately. And now is flaring up as girlfiend is very keen on a holiday in the summer and it makes me feel sick to my stomach. Also misssd out on a few weekends away so far this year and have a wedding coming up wher we have to spend the night away which i cant get my mind off even tho its 3 months away.
Hate feeling like this and have recently shit down. Only way i can explain it is when my phone rings or thers a knock at the door i get a ruch of fear! So when holiday xome up or have to spend a night away its total chaos in my mind. Send me to sleepless nights, nightmares worry my self ill to making up excusses till i hate myself for it, i went to doctors about it last year and had to go to some classes that seemed to help a bit but im even worse now.
I feel like i will have this forever and really cant seee a positive future with it and willing to try something but looks bleek!
Thanks for listening

06-04-17, 19:01
HI Duro While I don't have the same condition as you I can understand how you are feeling :) For me the biggest fear is when I am meeting someone new, I panic thinking oh wil they turn up (I have been let down in the past a few times so it's always at the back of my mind) or will they like me etc so it's gets to the point where I think what's the point in meeting new people so become a bit like being a Agoraphobia if you follow so I get isolated and lonely does this make sense? Cheers

07-04-17, 08:08
I have agoraphobia and it's been pretty horrible at times (I threw up every time I left the house at one point, and I still have a lot of anxiety around people).

The thing I would suggest is taking little steps constantly. Rather than not spending any time away and then suddenly going on holiday for a week, can you try just going away for the day and then coming back the next morning? I was in a similar situation where I'd slept in my own bed for 3 years and was scared of being in a strange place, and I started off by just spending one night staying at my dad's house. I was terrified of even that, but it went really well and I was able to deal with 2 nights away for a wedding not long after.

It sucks having so much difficulty with something most people take for granted, but if you take baby steps you can make real progress. I believe in you!

07-04-17, 22:57
Year really determind to do a night away few times local then go feom there!