View Full Version : Sinus infection worst case scenario worry

06-04-17, 03:07
I have a cold that turned into a sinus infection. I am 39 and have never had a sinus infection in my life. I am on day 10 after the cold symptoms first started, and the doctor said usually after 10 days if it does not resolve then to take antibiotics. But I HATE taking antibiotics (so many side effects) and I want to give it a few more days to see if I can kick the infection myself, especially since over 90% of all sinus infections are viral. If I knew for sure my sinusitis was bacterial, I would take the antibiotic in a heartbeat, but since I don't know I don't want to feel doubly ill from the side effects plus the sinusitis.

So anyway long story short, while I hold off on the antibiotic I keep thinking of the rare cases of infection spreading to the brain or to the eye socket. I have no idea what makes the infection cross the blood-brain barrier. Can it happen in healthy people or do you have to be immunocompromised? Is this a realistic thing I should worry about? Has anyone here gone more than 10 days with a sinus infection without taking an antibiotic? Just looking for some support I guess because I am so new to this, and my anxiety just makes it even more awful.

06-04-17, 18:59
Yes, I went more than 10 days (I was in college during finals) because I was too busy to go in. I ended up having the infection leak into my ear and now I have permanent drainage problems in that ear. Just take the antibiotics. I know they suck, but the doc obviously felt they were worth taking.

06-04-17, 19:08
I let mine go and then I started having bloody mucus. I needed an antibiotic to clear it up. I'm not sure how long I had it because I had a cold that went away but then it came back stronger. I just kept feeling worse and worse so I took the antibiotic and then I felt better. I have no idea about the other questions you asked, but if it's still there for 10 days then you'll feel better with the antibiotics.

I think mine was sinusitis though, but I have had many sinus infections in the past. I feel like I'm always sick sinus-wise lol.

07-04-17, 19:03
I always have allergy & sinus problems. Recently had a sinus infection along with an ear infection. The ear thing still somewhat lingers but the fluid should clear out as the allergy season fades. Honestly the other stuff are worst case scenarios that you hear about in the news but they're rare. Take your meds and you will be OK. If it's bacterial then antibiotics will work and if it's viral then you'll just have to wait it out unfortunately. Blow your nose, drink a lot of fluid & prop yourself up at night.

08-04-17, 05:33
Sinus infection can cause postnasal drip that is an extremely common problem which happens because of excessive production of mucus from nasal mucosa. It is uncomfortable and irritating under any circumstance which can impact people of all age.
Mucus is produced from glands which are the lining at throat, nose as well as airways. It is the wet and thick substance which help cleans and moistens nasal membranes, captures and gets rid of inhaled external matter, combats infections as well as humidifies air within the airways.
The symptoms such as under normal situation, you will not pay attention the mucus in your nose because you often swallow unconsciously during the day. However, when it is produced excessively, mucus will drip at the back of your nose, trigger postnasal drip.
Some other symptoms of postnasal drip can be sore or irritated throat, hoarseness, coughing, trouble with swallowing, congestion as well as feeling of weakness.

I have some simple tips for you, hope it helps!
1. Gargle with warm salt water. This can thin out the mucus, thus easier to expel and be able to flush out other irritants from nasal passages.

2. Steam inhalation (Small children are not recommended for applying this tip): Take a bowl and fill with hot boiling water. You can add any essential oil if you like. Place a towel over head and put your face above the bowl. Breathe in deeply the steam for at least 10 minutes and then blow out the nose.

3. You can take few drops of peppermint oil into a piece of clean cloth (after soaked using warm water), place near the nostrils and breathe in its vapors. Apply this regularly.
There are other effective remedies to treat it, you can read here https://authorityremedies.com/home-remedies-for-postnasal-drip/

09-04-17, 12:21
Thank you everybody. I value all the advice. If anyone reads this thread after my post, and can tell me how long viral sinusitis lasts, I would be grateful. I have read some people take 2 weeks to recover without an antibiotic. But even one day with green snot and stuffed head worrying about the bug migrating to the brain, is awful.

09-04-17, 15:10
If you do have to take antibiotics to get rid of it, take a good probiotic along with it, such as Culturelle. It reduces the side effects significantly.
Best wishes.