View Full Version : Anyone have any ideas what this could be? I'm terrified.

06-04-17, 03:43
To begin with, I do suffer from anxiety and depression, I am also a life long hypochondriac. I am a 17 year old female, with no known preexisting medical conditions. This last month or so I have noticed a vast variety of symptoms that greatly concern me. I am usually the type to google my symptoms, self diagnose, panic, and forget about it later on until something else comes up. However, lately I have been making constant trips to the doctors. They have taken a blood test and urine test. My kidneys, thyroid, liver, and blood counts were all okay.

What have I been experiencing?
It all started with a pain in my right leg that spanned the bone of the whole leg, more of a dull ache than anything. It did not concern me until it started to feel cold and tingly, and eventually went a little numb. Went to sleep and all was well.
Graduated to the tingling, numbness, crawling, and even burning of the skin in all limbs.
My left arm is increasingly becoming weak, I feel a dull ache in it as well. It is very uncomfortable and concerning. My fingers hurt after use and even texting on my phone exhausts it.
I have a pain in one spot on my spine, it comes and goes. It can increase when I breath deeply. Also have a dull ache in the middle of my chest, feels tight almost.
I have a 99.7 fever.
Swollen lymph nodes with no pain.
Fatty, oily, foul smelling stools. Have had green.
Always discomfort after urinating, no UTI or STI.
Dizziness and faintness.
Extreme fatigue.
Feel like my lungs don't work as well as they need to. Barely had the strength to yell at someone. Feel like breathing is a chore. My oxygen levels were normal.
Dull headache.
Double vision, have had dilated pupils, but am unsure if it was the result of a medication. Have also had recurring bouts of blurry vision.
Feel like I see things when I close my eyes. Nothing specific.
Personality change. I am more depressed than I have ever been in my life. Constantly have the urge to cry. I get angry and lash out very quickly. I'm angry a lot of the time.
My hands have gone purple and numb.
I have lost weight.
No appetite whatsoever towards the evening hours. Tried to eat a piece of pizza, took one tiny taste and was revolted. Nearly vomited.
Constantly feel like there is something in my throat, something like mucus that I just can't seem to shake.
Sometimes when I sleep or nap I sweat excessively. Sometimes even when I am awake. It's ridiculous.
I have noticed my heart rate is lower than usual.
Every couple of weeks my throat is painful to swallow and the pain radiates up to my ears. Usually resolves in a couple of days.
My whole body shakes when I bend down. Legs shake when I bend them. Arms shake when moving down from upright position.
I get the chills and am cold, or very hot and sweaty. I get random bouts of both.
I feel full after eating little.
My bowel movements have been fine up until tonight. I pushed and pushed and was finally able to release it after I relaxed and let it come out on its own. This is highly unusual. Every time I push I feel pain in my right lower abdomen. My muscles feel weak, almost as if I am losing the use of them.
Experiencing vision loss.

Obviously there is a lot, there is more as well but you get he general idea. I don't think I can tack all these to anxiety no matter how much I wish to. I am terrified and want answers. I went to my GP today and had him read the full list. He said I was 'out of shape and needed to change my diet' when I persisted he wrote me and x-ray for my left arm. Really?
If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

06-04-17, 04:15
I've had quite a few of these symptoms. So far they seem to be anxiety related. It's tough but it does get better. Try to get a referral to a neuro and rule out the bad stuff

07-04-17, 02:23
I went to the emergency room today. They did their own tests and I am going to a neurologist as they suspect MS. Every time I go to make a bowel movement, it's like I can't go. Like my muscles don't quite work. Is this something to be concerned about? I'm terrified

07-04-17, 02:59
Definitely get checked for peace of mind... I am not a doctor. I've had similar symptoms and spent time in the hospital. Mine ended up being anxiety.

07-04-17, 09:41
The fact that there are just so many symptoms indicates that you probably have something going on. It doesn't mean it's a bad thing, but you should get a good worrkip done. One, two or few of those symptoms together is one thing, a lot of us get those, but those sound like just too many in combination to be nothing. I hope it;s something minor and you feel better soon.