View Full Version : Sick tired and dizzy

06-04-17, 13:57
Hi my anxiety seems to be quite high at the minute and for about three weeks now I just feel sick tired and dizzy!!

Anyone else feel this is just anxiety or something else?

Thanks xx

06-04-17, 14:14
Im going through dizzy spells at the minute. I get a couple a month. they are a split second thing, Ive no other symptoms. This makes me anxious which makes me panic and Im sure makes my symptoms worse.

06-04-17, 14:21
I have high anxiety since two months and yeah i do feel dizzy and tired sometimes. When I'm relaxed (rarely though) all is fine, i honestly got used to it

06-04-17, 16:05
Thanks ive had health anxiety for 14 years and have few months a year where it's bad, never had dizzy spells before though!

Ive got a 2 year old who keeps me up all night wonder if it's tiredness related

06-04-17, 17:43
A two year old is bound to do that to you haha! I've never had dizzy spells before. Something new to stress about - What joy!!

06-04-17, 19:38
I don't know how many times I've asked myself if my dizzy symptoms are anxiety related or because I barely get any consistent sleep because of my 19 month old lol.

My last for longer periods of time. I don't know if they ever really go away. I only started to notice it when she was a few months old.

06-04-17, 19:46
Thanks for the replays guys, my mum just keeps saying I'm overtired but when you've got health anixety that isn't a good enough solution ha ha wish I could think normal ha ha