View Full Version : Physical manifestations of anxiety

06-04-17, 16:19
Hi all,

I've had health anxiety as far back as I can remember. For me my physical symptoms of anxiety (not PA's) is dizzyness, palpitations/PVCs, chest/stomach tension and various other things that don't bother me too much. If i'm focusing on a certain condition/disease, I'll exhibit symptoms of said condition/disease

Lately, however, I've been getting this extreme tension down the sides of my neck/jaw/under my tongue area and it hurts. it comes and goes with stress so I know it isn't a stiff neck or anything, but damn. It lingers for days sometimes. Anyone else get this, and if so, have you found any ways to remedy it?


07-04-17, 06:57
I get the jaw/neck tension and yes it can extend into the back of my throat and tongue and worst all deep into my ear.
I or my wife massage area around the TMJ and below. That seems to release some of the tension. I also use heat pad on the side of my face and neck.
Relaxing is the best thing though. Easier said than done.

I visited home for summer and for a few days when I was hanging out with mates at the beach, the pain and tension disappered.

07-04-17, 20:03
using a heating pad never occurred to me. Solid idea. Thank you.