View Full Version : my lungs hurt while coughing

06-04-17, 17:36
I woke up this morning and coughed and noticed my lungs hurt a little during the cough. Ive been fighting what i assumed to be allergies, i had a runny nose mucus in the sinuses and also coughing up some greenish mucus which from what i read os a sogn of a bacterial infection such as a cold or flu and this has been going on for around a week but it's cleared up a lot, and so maybe the sore feeling in the lungs could be a result of the cold or allergies which ever one it was because it did make me cough a good bit. Well i just wanted to ask some of you guys because i don't think ots something to run to my doctor for giving the circumstances with all the other symptoms ive had for the past week because I assume its probably just part of the bug I'm getting over.

06-04-17, 19:35
They're probably irritated from all the coughing, should check with your doc if it doesn't clear up soon, just to make sure you don't need antibiotics or anything.