View Full Version : Question about secondhand smoke

06-04-17, 18:03
I was wondering how concerned I should be about secondhand smoke.

My dad and brother have smoked around me my entire life, but lately it's been even worse. They will both smoke in the garage, and while they do smoke in the garage, the scent of cigarette smoke will travel into the house, until the whole house smells like an ashtray. And this is done on a regular basis. I don't see any smoke, but the smell of cigarette smoke is profound.

I'll try and get away from it in my room, but I still smell it faintly, and it seems to smell even worse upstairs where I sleep than in the family room connecting to the garage - maybe it rises? Anyway, of course I'm paranoid about getting lung cancer because of it. I keep telling them to smoke outside of the house but neither one of them will and it's really frustrating. :weep:

I never really thought about it, but it's suddenly on my mind because I've been exposed to the scent, but not smoke (at least I don't see smoke). But, the chemicals I'm sure linger into the house and stay there for awhile. I'm 23 years old.

06-04-17, 19:45
I have been exposed to constant second hand smoke since I was born. I love my parents but they smoked in the house and I would argue that's a form of child abuse. I moved out to go to college and haven't moved home since and it's been amazing. My clothes don't smell, my hair doesn't smell.. ugh. I love it.

My father recently passed and my mother has quit smoking so it's a bit easier, but the house still smells - it's in the very framework. I have/had the best relationship with my parents and I made sure to tell them why I wasn't going home any more. I spoke to them about about dangerous second hand smoke can be and to ask them to smoke outside the house. My dad couldn't because he was really sick.. but like I said now it's better (I would rather have him though).

My suggestion is to speak to them about it, to take it outside of the garage even. If they're reasonable they'll understand. It's not as simple as: "well just leave then" so maybe it's a good conversation to have.

Secondhand smoking is not equatable to smoking, but it does have its health risks. I think you're okay as long as your not directly inhaling the smoke but they are doing studies on the effects of even third-hand smoking. I don't mean to worry you anymore, but maybe just talk to them.

29-06-17, 00:28
My dad will not stop smoking no matter what. He has had a heart attack, and bladder cancer along with that. He also had melanoma, but that was due to his excessive sunburns he would get.

His urologist even told him, that his smoking was more than likely (probably 90% likely) caused by his cigarette smoking. And he still smokes - even more than he used to.

I am terrified of developing cancer because of my dad, and I absolutely hate him for it. My brother smokes too, and he's been smoking for about 16 years, and not one thing has happened to him physically. Whereas I don't smoke or drink alcohol, and I get all of these health scares and issues - it's completely unfair. :weep:

29-06-17, 01:09
I have seen these claimes thrown around for decades; especially by the tabloid media.
But - I am not nescesarrily buying it.

29-06-17, 03:05
I have seen these claimes thrown around for decades; especially by the tabloid media.
But - I am not nescesarrily buying it.

Paraniod Viking and Vikingbeast! We must have been separated at birth. hahahaha

For the love of my God and savior Jesus Christ, if second hand smoke killed, I'm 57 and shouldn't have lived past 30! My sister would have never been a world champion athlete.

When dudes my dad's age smoked - and they ALL smoked, they didn't smoke that pussy stuff we smoke with filters and "lights" and all that. Those boys SMOKED! My God, I remember at family get-togethers, all our dads, uncles, hell everyone smoked. Go outside to smoke? Never even thought about it with all us youngsters in the house. Roll down a car window? Pffffttt!

Now, I by no means say smoking is good for you. But I can tell you that a lot of the junk we eat is just as dangerous, if not worse.