View Full Version : Here for a good time, not a long time

28-04-07, 08:13
:) Hi there,

My name is Kathleen. I am 41 years old and happily married with 4 beautiful children. I have just discovered that I have panic attacks. I am a little confused as to what separates Anxiety, panic attacks and panic disorder. About 3 years ago I had my first panic attack and thought I was having a heart attack. Called 911 and everything. So embarrassing. Anyway, since then I have had it happen about 4 more times but on a smaller scale. What I was surprised to discover on here is that every symptom listed(almost all of them I have) I always chalked up to my smoking. Now I know what it is and how they all tie together. This site is incredible and I am both happy and sad to have found it. I don't know how often I will come on here because I have found that ever since doing all the initial reading, I am now thinking of it 24/7! I can't seem to block it out and the symptoms seem to be getting worse. You know how the more you think about it the worse it gets? It was a little easier I think to think my heart was going nuts every time I tried to sleep was just something I have to live with and some people are just born with this, (that's what the Dr. said), and the dizzyness was low blood sugar etc... shakiness too much caffeine..... you get the picture. So, I will check back and see the responses if any and then try my best to totally not think about all this. My kids have never been around when this has happened to me and I don't want to make it a big part of my/their lives.
Yada yada yada.........
Enough said for now.
Have a great day!


28-04-07, 09:33
Welcome Kathleen :)
Lots of great resource and support on this site, I am sure you will find useful.


28-04-07, 09:43
Hi Kathleen! Big :welcome:to you!

This site has been a great help and support to many (including me!) and I hope it will be for you too!


28-04-07, 09:53
Hi Kathleen!

I really enjoyed meeting you in chat. I know that this whole discovery process--realising how much anxiety has a role in your life--is both facinating and difficult. I think the hyperawareness that you're getting from learning about it will pass. It's a lot of new info to process. But info can be powerful and good, too. Like being able to recognise panic triggers or early symptoms and finding a way to change the course before it becomes worse.

Whether you spend much time here or not, I wish you the very best. I hope the resources here, and the great people, are a big help.

Take care! :hugs:


28-04-07, 10:30
Thank you so much Jaco, Groovy, and Reemy. I too enjoyed talking to you in chat Reemy. You seem to have such a handle on all of this and I appreciate your advice. Thank you for your welcome Jaco and Groovy.

28-04-07, 10:33
:) My kids have never been around when this has happened to me and I don't want to make it a big part of my/their lives.

A very big welcome to the site and yes feel free to use the support and reassurance whenever you might need it.

Panic attacks are nothing to be ashamed of or hidden away though hun - they are a part of life and most certainly on the increase. Lots of people suffer from all walks of life - even doctors themselves do!!

I think if we can be open about it then some of the stigma and fear gets removed for the generations behind us - whilst obviously getting on with your life in general too!!:yesyes:

All the best

Piglet :flowers:

28-04-07, 11:00
Hi Kathleen

And welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here i hope we can be of some help.:)


28-04-07, 12:54
Hi Kathleen,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

28-04-07, 15:14
Hi Kathleen

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

28-04-07, 18:40
Hi Kathleen,

Welcome to the site. I'm glad you have already been in chat and made friends. You will find this site to be very supportive and informative.

Laura :)

28-04-07, 18:50
Welcome to the site Kathleen:hugs:

Hope to get to gab with you in chat real soon:flowers:

29-04-07, 10:15
Hi all,
Thank you so much for your welcoming posts. I may come here every so often for support. Hopefully not too much if I can really put mind over matter. Just to clear it up though Piglet, I do know that it is all a part of life and accept it as that. I just don't want my kids to be privy to it because they worry about me enough just because of my smoking. (Think I am going to try yet again on Monday to quit) This is all too much to explain to them now. Maybe when they are older. I have one child in particular that would really be upset and worry unneccisarily. So anyway, you all seem highly supportive for me now. That is good enough for me. Thank you again.

29-04-07, 11:26
One thing I did which helped me Kathleen is go caffeine free which made me a lot calmer, I also noted that cutting down on smoking calmed me. Giving up totally is proving hard but I`ll get there.

29-04-07, 15:18
Hi Kathleen,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
01-05-07, 15:53
hey kathleen, welcome to the site, i hope you get the support you are looking for and make good friends xxx

10-10-09, 09:16
Wow! I can't believe it's been so long since I have been on here. Thank you all for your supportive comments and advice. I am doing well I think, although there are certain things that I now know send me into panic mode. Silly things really but I have been trying to face them head on. I am always a little surprised that no one else notices when it happens to me!
I have totally eliminated caffeine and that seem to have helped a great deal. It is hard, but I don't want to just give in to this without a fight. I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone so I know I can't just re-create myself and have to live with whatever comes up. I have to say though, it is surprising, once you mention anything like this that has gone on with you, how many others admit the same thing has happened to them. Sort of comforting in a way.
Anyway - I think I will re-check out some of the things on this site. I still think it is amazing and supportive... and really helped me when I needed it most.
Thank you all!