View Full Version : Heart burn or heart attck

06-04-17, 19:40
I went for a coffee with a friend today. Felt fine but then was in a shop and felt a twinge in my chest and a wave of panic flush over me! Took a while to realise it was just heart burn by felt anxious all day. Stupidly I had another coffee later on and then have just eaten my dinner. I now feel as though my chest is going to explode! I know it's just heart burn but anxiety keeps pushing my brain to think heart attack! Keep going round in circles! Will defo be sticking to decaf from now on!

Anyone else get similar to this?

06-04-17, 20:03
I always say if you're posting on a forum waiting for answers, it's not a heart attack (I've had two... I know!). Try some Mylanta or chewable antacids.

Positive thoughts