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View Full Version : Mole Biopsy

06-04-17, 23:19
Hello everyone,

On Monday I got two moles removed and biopsied. The dermatologist said he did so because they were somewhat dark. In terms of size, they were about the size of an eraser but not huge. They never itched,bled oozed.
The dermatologist said they were "worrisome". I've never had skin issues nor have any family history of skin cancer.

I go back for results in two weeks and I am worried.
What does everyone think?

07-04-17, 21:07
Hi THoltz,

The size of an eraser you say? I take it you mean an eraser on the end of a pencil size? If so that's still quite small. No itchiness or bleeding is good news. So even if it does prove to be something it will be easily treatable.

Did a doctor refer you?

My derm was very insistent on my mole removal as she saw "abnormal cells growing". When I asked if she thought it was dangerous she told me "dermatology was not an exact science." That proved to be correct as it turned out to be a freckle!

07-04-17, 21:43
I've had 3 "worrisome" moles removed in my life. One was asymmetrical and weirdly shaped, another one was quite big, had dark dots and a red ring around it and the last one was black. None of them were cancerous :)

08-04-17, 14:10
Hi THoltz,

The size of an eraser you say? I take it you mean an eraser on the end of a pencil size? If so that's still quite small. No itchiness or bleeding is good news. So even if it does prove to be something it will be easily treatable.

Did a doctor refer you?

My derm was very insistent on my mole removal as she saw "abnormal cells growing". When I asked if she thought it was dangerous she told me "dermatology was not an exact science." That proved to be correct as it turned out to be a freckle!

Yes that is what I meant to say. It is about the size of a pencil eraser.

No I went directly to the dermatologist.

Yeah I've had this mole for quite some time and it never had given me any issues.