View Full Version : At the ER and scared

07-04-17, 00:18
I'm sitting in the ER parking lot right now. I don't want to go in but I think I need to. I'm not sure if this is reflux, a heart attack, or a pulmonary embolism. My mind is going to all the tests right now. I'm sure they will find something bad. I'm sweating so much that I smell terrible. I wish I had someone with me, but I have absolutely zero support right now. I don't want to go in here because I'm going to feel like I'm trapped and can't leave. Hypochondria makes everything so much worse.

07-04-17, 00:44
I have been in your shoes way too often. I have a very good idea that you are fine because even when I was sure I was dying from the pain, racing heart, dizziness, every heart related symptom you could have. I've been in the er and had an iv placed in my arm for fluids as we waited for my heart rate to return to normal. I've called an ambulance a couple of times. Three to be exact. None of those times did they find anything. They even all did ekgs on me and told me my heart was beautiful. But I still felt those symptoms. And it was terrifying. But I want you to know that it was always anxiety and that it is so powerful it can make even doctors sound like fools to you. Things I have learned about anxiety chest pain vs heart chest pain: of you can make the pain go or lessen by moving or changing positions it is anxiety or strained muscle related (went to hospital for this when I was pregnant, diagnosed as strained chest muscle). Another main thing to remember is that heart attack pain is a strong pressure on the entire chest feeling. Sharp needle like pains that are random and come and go are anxiety or gas related, and reflux and indigestion can cause palpitations (elevated heart rates that don't seem to slow). I always did err on the side of better to be safe than sorry but I really have taken that to an extreme and gone way too many times. I don't think anyone will judge you for going in but you are fine and the doctors would say the same.

07-04-17, 01:35
I left. I'm just scared because I have MVP and I don't know what to do anymore with these chest pains.

07-04-17, 02:18
That is insane because that was one disease I was SURE I had because I felt like heart vibrations but I had two heart ultrasounds in the last two years (because I bugged the drs not because they were concerned) and they never found anything and that is the diagnostic for mvp. It all turned out to be anxiety. Also there are people with mvp that lead such healthy lives that they still run marathons and such. It's not a life threatening disease though you don't have it so you shouldn't worry about it either way. I do have pvcs which just causes heart flutters and my mom has them as well as a lot of my aunt's and they're all in their 70s healthy as horses and mine have calmed down a lot since my anxiety migrated from my heart elsewhere lol I hope you can find relief and peace of mind and know that you absolutely are not alone!

---------- Post added at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 21:12 ----------

Oh you do have it! My bad! Well like I said people who have it live long healthy lives! You are likely anxious because it is the chest area and having a heart condition will make you more aware and worried about your heart and chest but I believe the chest pains you are experiencing are most likely anxiety! I wish I could help you more because that fear is so draining and it is so hard to talk yourself down..

07-04-17, 02:39
It's definitely a scary feeling for sure, and like you said I'm always more worried with chest pains now. Part of me wants to drive back to the ER, but I hate the waiting in a cold room with tests. I just hate all of it--the IVs, pee tests, ekgs, echoes, CT scans, etc. The whole thing takes like 8 hours and then I'm either out or admitted. I'm not sure if they still admit 2 people to a room here, but that would drive me absolutely insane.

07-04-17, 03:23
I know the feeling of feeling alone. I had a ultrasound today to check for AAA at age 33 and I'm worried about it. The lady wouldn't tell me anything. Said she's not allowed too.

07-04-17, 16:49
If you are truly in lots of pain and worried, then go in. Do you have something to take to calm you down. Have you taken an antacid to see if it's reflux?

07-04-17, 17:24
I'm just trying to distract myself with the kids and cleaning. I should probably go buy some Zantac because I think this is just really intense acid reflux. If it is something bad, then hopefully I won't even know it.

07-04-17, 17:27
Acid reflux can be excruciatingly painful. I had an attack last week that left me clutching my chest in agony. It went away, though.

Truth be told, I probably should see a doctor about getting some treatment for reflux.

07-04-17, 22:23
It sounds like you might be having a panic attack. Sometimes when I have symptoms of chest pain I take an anti anxiety for panic attacks and it goes away. Maybe your doctor can prescribe one.

07-04-17, 23:36
I'm starting to think it's a combination of bad posture and reflux because I've realized that if I slouch or sit weird then I'll get back/chest pain. With MVP I'll never know I guess, but maybe I'll learn to tell the difference.