View Full Version : Doctor's Appointment is so Far Away - Breast issues

07-04-17, 11:40
Ugh! I had my ultrasound on my breast a week ago which was normal, I knew it would be. The type of breast cancer I think I have is inflammatory breast cancer, which wouldn't show up on an ultrasound. I have been obsessively checking my breasts every day and I swear my left one is pinker than my right. I haven't noticed much change in them over the past 8 weeks I have been obsessing, but I can't get it out of my mind. Anyways, I got an appointment with a breast specialist, but not until next Tuesday and given the aggressive nature of this cancer, I think that's too far away. My family thinks I'm crazy so I am keeping my worries mostly to myself. I just don't want to be sick, but have a really bad feeling. Dr. Google doesn't help! I know if I go to the ER they won't do anything so it's almost not worth it. I don't know what to do. I'm so scared. Do I call and demand to be seen sooner? Do I got to my GP and have him look and then maybe he can accelerate the process at the breast center? I need advice.

07-04-17, 12:35
Your appointment is in 4 days. That's not long at all! When I read the thread title, I was thinking weeks but that's anxiety for ya.

I'm quite sure all will be well and I have my "Told ya so!" all ready ;)

Positive thoughts

07-04-17, 12:49
Hi there

It's actually not this Tuesday - it's the following Tuesday so 12 days from now :(

07-04-17, 13:12
Hang in there, 12 days isn't that far away. It'll be here before you know it. I'm sure everything is fine especially if your doctor isn't worried. *hugs* I'll be praying!

ETA: If nothing has changed in 8 weeks you are ok. IBC is rapid and there would defiantly be changes in 8 weeks.

07-04-17, 13:15
Ask to be put on a cancellation list.
I bet you'll get in sooner.

07-04-17, 13:20
That's STILL not that long at all! First off, again, I don't believe there's an issue and it's your anxiety lying to you. Let me give you some perspective.

I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor. I was diagnosed in November (Thanksgiving) of 2012. I had my first surgery to remove my palatine tonsils (looking for the cancer primary site) in December (Christmas) 2012. Then, 2nd opinion a month later. Then surgery in mod February of 2013 to remove the cancer and lingual tonsils (never found the primary site). I didn't start treatment until March 2013, 4 MONTHS after diagnosis. So 12 days regardless of a diagnosis (which won't happen) doesn't mean a thing.

I do think you should see your GP but not for this. My advice would be to go to discuss your anxiety and ask for some help.

Positive thoughts

07-04-17, 14:21
Thanks everyone. I did get put on a cancellation list and luckily I work 5 minutes away from the breast specialist so can scoot over there anytime. I expressed to the radiologist my concerns about IBC and she didn't seem to see the pinkish spot I see, which is definitely more noticeable in certain lighting. I do take comfort in that not much has changed in 8 weeks (or so I think) but sometimes I think it has changed or I'm just obsessively checking and notice more things...I don't know. I am also scheduled to begin CBT therapy next week for my anxiety. I just really hope to put this behind me and that I can find some relief for my anxiety over the next 12 days before I see the doctor. It is crippling.

---------- Post added at 13:21 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ----------

I just got a cancellation call. They are going to see me next Thursday at 8am. So 6 days instead of 12. Feeling a little bit of relief!

07-04-17, 20:44
Inflammatory breast cancer is always incredibly obvious so having one slight pink area on your breast does not at all fit the condition. I mentioned this to my GP a few years ago after a lady at my mammogram test insisted on telling me about her friend who had had this type of breast cancer ( i really should have told her to shut up!). My Gp examined me and said my dry skin on nipples was age and nothing else and he had seen a few IBC cases and he said it was very obvious.

Hope the specialist can reassure you x

07-04-17, 22:15
Thank you for that reassurance Country Girl. It is a slick pink spot that I think is from bra pressure because it does fade a bit over night. I am really hoping that since it hasn't gotten significantly worse over the past 8 weeks that it means it's not IBC since that type of cancer progresses so rapidly. We shall see. I also think I'm making my breasts red from constantly poking and prodding them throughout the day :-(

08-04-17, 01:03
Can you put a little bit of tissue on the spot to see if it might be coming from your bra ?

08-04-17, 16:43
I'm scared of this fear myself. I googled a long time ago fearing this type of BC and did go to my GP he said they looked fine. That was years ago. My one breast to me looks different and feels different but it feels kinda cold but I've been worried about it a lot cause I see a dark spot on the bottom of my boob so I've been constantly thinking about it. I'm on my period right now so my boob is giving me issues at the moment. This feeling comes and goes. If I'm high stressed it feels different. I know our minds are powerful and can give us sensations and such. My nipples have always been weird looking and when I had my son 11 years ago I tried breast feeding and all he got was blood I couldn't breast feed and they did take samples at the hospital then 11 years ago oh my nipples when they bleed. I didn't know why they did that. I'm 36 years old. I'm terrified of the worst case and terrified to see my GP about this. I am due for my pap though. I don't know what to do. I hate this feeling.
I'm sorry I took over your post FreakOutQueen. I really feel for you and know what you are going through. I pray this is nothing for you and me. Can anyone help me??

08-04-17, 17:35
I had this same fear a year ago, when I developed a large pink patch on one breast.
It turned out to be a fungal skin infection called tinea, which cleared up with regular applications of Lotrimin-AF.
IBC is a fast-moving cancer; you would have significant pain and very obvious progressive breast changes by now, if you had it. IBC progresses visibly by the day, not by the week or month.
You probably have a fungal infection of the skin; my doctor said it is quite common, because we wear bras and sweat in them, creating a warm, moist environment in which various fungi thrive.
Best wishes.

08-04-17, 19:49
That you, glasspinata. That's what I try to tell myself! That it would have gotten significantly worse over the last 8 weeks. Mine isn't a patch of raised skin and the itchiness comes and goes. It more looks like little blood vessels that I can see beneath the skin, which I have read is normal...I hope. Tinker - if this problem has been ongoing for years I doubt you have anything to worry about. Hope your GP is able to give you some relief!

08-04-17, 22:56
Thank you so much, yes it has been going on for years so my rational thinking kicks in but my anxiety goes up too. It's hard. I didn't mean to take over your post but I'm really struggling with this. I'm sure your boob thing is fine. And your going to the doc about it which is even better you will get relief from your doc. You will be fine. You got this girl!

08-04-17, 23:07
Thanks Tinker! I go on Thursday morning to a breast specialist and Friday to a therapist to begin CBT for my anxiety. Hopefully I can learn to relax a little bit. Good luck with your issue too! I'm sure it's okay!!!

08-04-17, 23:35
Thank you. Means so much to hear the words. I'm tired of always thinking the worst. Good luck with all your appointments. Hugs

10-04-17, 15:17
I had a really good weekend that was relatively anxiety free but today I am freaking out that it is inflammatory breast cancer. I just can't get it out of my mind. I don't think it has gotten any worse, but I can't shake this feeling. Help!