View Full Version : Left side pain (ribs, breast, underarm)

07-04-17, 13:03
Hi...I found this site while searching for answers in a different website. Really hoping this will help ease my mind a little.

I'm 26 years old and have always had anxiety. Nothing too serious though, I could always manage. Panic attacks when I was super stressed but I always got through it okay. It wasn't until I became pregnant with my daughter (10 months old) that I started having severe health anxiety. I always had a fear of childbirth. Since I was a child myself. I always said I can't get pregnant because I WILL die giving birth. No idea where this notion came from but it stuck with me. As you can imagine my entire pregnancy I was a mess with worry. I would lay in bed sometimes and actually think "well, I've got two more months left to live". It was horrible.

I obviously made it through my pregnancy and delivery okay. But since having her my anxiety has skyrocketed. It's also mixed with severe bouts of depression. There are times when I'm perfectly fine and then out of the blue I think I'm dying. I've noticed I have a huge fear of getting cancer and everything I see "wrong" with me is cancer related.

For the past 2 months or so I have this uncomfortable pain on my left side. Initially, I thought it was because my daughter stopped sleeping through the night and would only sleep with me on the couch or in my bed where my body would be contorted and leave me feeling sore when I woke up. This pain started moving and soon I felt it in the middle of my chest, then under my breast, then a really intense tenderness in my ribs. I went to my doctor and expressed my concerns of breast cancer and he checked and said he couldn't feel anything. Then explained that rib pain often has no real explanation. A few days later the discomfort was really messing with my head and I ended up going to the emergency room. They did an ECG and everything was perfect. The doctor there said if it was breast related there wouldn't really be any tenderness and it could just be muscle related.

That eased my mind for a bit but lately I'm back to worrying. It feels like there's discomfort in my left breast and I can't shake the feeling that it's cancer. Although when I do self exams I don't feel anything and if I do feel something strange I always feel it in my other breast as well. Yesterday I woke up feeling fine and didn't have a single discomfort on my left side. I was so happy. But then nighttime came and I stupidly started feeling around the area again to make sure I couldn't "feel" anything and now it's back to feeling like it was.

I feel like I'm honestly going crazy. I cry all the time and I know it's taking a toll on my boyfriend seeing me like this but I don't know how to control it. What terrifies me the most is thinking I could die and leave my baby (which causes more crying and panicking)

Has anyone else gone through something similar?

Sorry for the long post.

08-04-17, 13:07
I had this issue last year. It was so severe so I went to the ER crying my eyes out twice in one week. Even just pressing my ribs around my leg side hurt like I was dying.

The ER suggested that I see a GI doctor to check for an ulcer so I did. No ulcer but I did have gastritis! I had no idea gastritis could cause that kind of pain.

You can try an over the counter anti-acid med to see if it relieves your pain at all.

09-04-17, 12:17
really? did you also have the pain around the armpit and breast?