View Full Version : Worrying about pancreatic cancedr

07-04-17, 16:57
I have had pain below my left rib now for a month and it is much worse when I eat/sit down-bending over and in the night. I had loads of bloods done last week and all were fine including pancreatic enzyme test so I know I do not have acute pancreatitis.
My GP has referred me for a gastrocopy to be done within 2 weeks yesterday and also an ultrasound of my pancreas etc.
As soon as i eat the pain gets much worse which is why she is sending me gastroscopy asap. I am not feeling sick of being sick just this constant pain in one place that is much worse when I eat/drink.
I know that normal ultrasound can miss pancreatic cancer in the early stages but GP said that it would be very unlikely that all my bloods including liver and pancreas enzymes would be fine if this level of pain was from my pancreas.
I am happy to be having the gastroscopy fairly quickly although its a bit worrying getting it under the 2 week cancer rule here in the nhs.
I am struggling to cope with the level of pain.
The hardest thing is that I want to know the answer now!

07-04-17, 17:08
Former pan can paranoid here. I have had pain under both of my ribs and back for like 2 or 3 months, along with other symptoms, yet most have went away and it's been 5 months now, and I'm doing alright :). The pain can be explained by a lot of other things, countrygirl, and you should trust your doc and tests, they would have showed if something was off. I have done a lot of tests myself and had to take anxiety meds for the first time in my life but at one point I just had to let it go. Talk to your doc about prescribing something for your pain and anx, otherwise you're probably going to be fine. :)

07-04-17, 17:11
This is a prime site for IBS discomfort and pain. Do you have IBS? The fact that it worsens in certain scenarios is suggestive of IBS too. One of the intestines (I forget which) runs right under the left rib and easily becomes inflamed in IBS.

The chances of this being pancreatic cancer after the tests you've had and the medical opinion you've mentioned are vanishingly low. This is classic catastrophic thinking, where a simple bodily sensation has to be the worst possible outcome. I have no doubt you'll be fine.

07-04-17, 17:41
I have had abdominal issues in the past and had all the bowel tests and was told I probably had bad ibs attacks. the pain could be from my colon that runs across top of abdomen but Dr said that it is unlikely that this pain would get worse as soon as I eat or drink and thats more likely stomach/duodenum problem.

Also IBS attacks tend to come and go and I have had this almost constantly for a month now whic is what is scaring me