View Full Version : Is This Anxiety? Or Is It Normal?

28-04-07, 11:18
About 7 years my problems began, I was sitting at home having a few drinks by myself and something came over me, It was something really strange, It was like I was in a dream, or what was happening around me wasn't real, I broke down into tears scared stupid I was loosing my mind, That feeling stayed with me for 6 months, it was a total nightmare.

I've read symptoms of anxiety and I don't have any, well none of the physical symptoms anyway, I spend every day one edge, scared because of what happened them 7 years ago, I have no real cause to be scared but I am.

Is this anxiety

28-04-07, 11:49
Some panic attacks do not give the physical symptoms, just a feeling in your head like you are in a unreal place, not really yourself, and that is a scary place to be. Has this only happened once?

28-04-07, 11:57
Some panic attacks do not give the physical symptoms, just a feeling in your head like you are in a unreal place, not really yourself, and that is a scary place to be. Has this only happened once?

Well yes, that feeling of being in a dream or unreality has only happened once, and it lasted for 6 months or so, Is this called depersonalisation? It was so so scary almost like I was going mad,

I've had other attacks where I get so worked up it comes to a head with my mind blanking out if you know what I mean, I have never really had the physical symptoms,

I just live in fear of that attack I had for 6 months coming back, At the time it happened I was into my clubbing and was using ecstasy, so unless that had something to do with it?

28-04-07, 12:05
hi Dave

Sounds like anticipation anxiety, fear of that 1st attack.

Not everyone gets the fast heart beats etc, the symptoms can be different from one person to the next.

Have you seen your GP for a proper diagnoses?


28-04-07, 12:08
Never tired ecstacy so can't say but it sounds like panic attacks to me, especially if you live in fear of it happening again. Blanking out is a common effect of panic attacks, it's like the mind can't handle facing the symptoms so it switches off instead, like burying your head in the sand i suppose! This happens to me if i can't physically escape the area where my panic starts. If you look at the panic attacks forum, there is a thread there about mind only panic attacks, might be worth taking a look. Hope this hepls!

28-04-07, 12:09
hi Dave

Sounds like anticipation anxiety, fear of that 1st attack.

Not everyone gets the fast heart beats etc, the symptoms can be different from one person to the next.

Have you seen your GP for a proper diagnoses?


Yep I did, she said it was anxiety and put me on Sertraline or something it was called. They made it 10 times worse so I quit them, I went back and she put me down for CBT, that was a year ago now, She says there is quite a waiting list and I can't afford to go private.

I recon the problem is I have done to much researching on the net about the condition, and they all seem to say anxiety/panic attacks are racing heart,poor concentration and the rest and because I don't have these symptoms I'm starting to doubt my doctor if you know what I mean.

28-04-07, 12:17
Never tired ecstacy so can't say but it sounds like panic attacks to me, especially if you live in fear of it happening again. Blanking out is a common effect of panic attacks, it's like the mind can't handle facing the symptoms so it switches off instead, like burying your head in the sand i suppose! This happens to me if i can't physically escape the area where my panic starts. If you look at the panic attacks forum, there is a thread there about mind only panic attacks, might be worth taking a look. Hope this hepls!

You explained that so well, yes thats what its like the mind switches of

28-04-07, 12:26
That is typical of the health system.

There isn't the infrastructure to cope with mental health issues propery (i.e. CBT etc) so the quick fix is to throw a bottle of pills at you hnd hope it works.

I never done well on the meds either, in the end I found Claire Weekes books and tapes invaluable and stuck with an exercise program that helped alot.

That waiting list is shocking, I waited 6 months for therapy (and it wasn't even the right therpay) and I kicked up about that.

When will the goverment wake up to the fact that anxiety/depression affects 1 in 4 in the western world and address it as a health priority.

The WHO (World Health Organisation, not Roger Daltry's lot) have forcast that by 2012, anxiety/depression will be the 2nd cause of absense from work, so you would think anxiety would be dealt with more timely than 1 year.

Man, I sound like a political party broadcast, I do tend to rant ;)



28-04-07, 13:26
Hi dave, big :welcome:to you!

When I had my first PA it came right out of the blue. I literally felt as though I was being 'pulled' away from reality, not physically but mentally. I could see and hear the world around me but didn't feel part of it or able to interact with it. I really feel for you cos it's horrible. But it's the 'fear of the fear' you're facing now and you'll get some good advice and support here for that!

I echo what Jaco says - seems you've got to make a helluva noise to get anything done nowadays.....hope things improve for you on that front.

I take it you're avoiding the E's now?

Take care

28-04-07, 13:38
Hi dave, big :welcome:to you!

When I had my first PA it came right out of the blue. I literally felt as though I was being 'pulled' away from reality, not physically but mentally. I could see and hear the world around me but didn't feel part of it or able to interact with it. I really feel for you cos it's horrible. But it's the 'fear of the fear' you're facing now and you'll get some good advice and support here for that!

I echo what Jaco says - seems you've got to make a helluva noise to get anything done nowadays.....hope things improve for you on that front.

I take it you're avoiding the E's now?

Take care

Oh yes, I've not touched them since that happened. Its a relief to know I'm not the only one suffering this, I've often though it may be some other horrible mental illness like schzophrenia or something, purely because i've not got any of the physical symptoms like is so well documentated, like the feeling of dying, taking a heart attack and the rest

28-04-07, 14:01
Glad you're off the E's - wise move!:yesyes:

Each of us suffers differently but can share similar experiences, and I know that was such a comfort to me when I first signed up!


28-04-07, 14:05
You are right in thinking your dreamlike state was depersonalisation/derealization. This in itself feels so frightening that we then panic and make the problem worse by doing so.

The drugs/alcohol wouldn't have helped your feelings. Glad you are now drug free!
