View Full Version : Freaked out by breathing/heart pounding?

07-04-17, 17:08
Hello all,

I've been dealing with general anxiety for a few months now & one of the most prominent symptoms is constantly feeling like I can't breathe enough or am not breathing deep enough, like every breath feels pathetic. Second most prominent symptoms is a lightheaded feeling whether it's dizziness or feeling disconnected most of the day. When I feel especially distressed about these sensations I feel awful. My heart will randomly pound as well which is usually when I feel very distressed. I've had so many medical tests over the last 3 months including blood tests, ECG, echo cardiogram, spirometry, head & neck MRI, and chest x-ray. All are normal, the only thing being that 2 months ago I was found to be *slightly* anemic during my hospital stay (RBCs dipped a little under at the last blood draw, before in those couple of days at the hospital I had a lot of blood drawn vials upon vials for tests & was on an IV the whole time plus started my period which is likely why) but the doctor said not enough to cause symptoms. So I've been taking iron. I'll be getting another CBC in ten days to check up.

I've been going for CBT & counseling to combat my anxiety and it has been helpful. I am able to step out more in public than before (though very anxious) where as before I was scared to even get out of my room. I go to the gym almost daily and typically exercise for a total of an hour with a break for water & bathroom at the 30 minute mark. I had a job interview earlier this week which went better than I thought it would even though I was absolutely frightened & felt the room was spinning.

That being said I still can't shake certain symptoms and one of the big ones is this obsession with my breathing. As said before it feels like I can't breathe enough & need more air, my chest & stomach feel tight, sometimes my chest will hurt, I think I manually breathe a lot. I wake up & moments later the thought of breathing comes to my mind and we are off for the day. The few moments in-between where I don't think about it I don't feel bothered but it's like my mind goes "hi you're not thinking about your breathing" and then the cycle just continues. Even when I'm working out I still think about it except I can't really control it because when you're speed walking, running, or biking, you can't really take control. I mean clearly I don't have a breathing issue if I'm able to exercise without keeling over? I think this obsession contributes to the lightheadedness i feel most of the day as well. Anyone else have this problem?

And then yesterday I got really freaked out. I was on the treadmill and was slowly working into a run as I usually do. Once I was running I felt good & like I could go faster & longer, so I picked up the speed on the machine. I hadn't really been running in months so the last couple of weeks or so I've been working it back in. My breathing picked up and the impact from my feet was greater and all of a sudden I couldn't feel my heart pounding in my chest like I usually do when running. I checked my pulse on my neck and also checked my heart rate on the machine through my hands which ranged from 160-170 BPM. As freaked out as I was I kept running for about a minute more and then slowed down to a walk, though my chest still felt odd as if I couldn't feel my heart beating even though I still had a pulse. I stopped at 30 minutes as usual and felt very anxious like I was going to have a panic attack or faint (I never faint so thinking that's the anxiety) went to the locker room to drink water and calm myself a bit. After about 15 minutes I walked back out and got on the bike rather than back on the treadmill and went for another 30 minutes more. Anyone else ever encounter this? I freaked out thinking that maybe the tests missed something but I think I'm just hyperaware maybe? I just got over my costochondritis flaring up sometimes when I run, which I'm sure is muscular because when I press I can recreate the pain. Now this has me freaked!

08-04-17, 02:22
Well went on the treadmill again today even though I was anxious about it. Nothing eventful happened though didn't push it as hard as yesterday but still did some running.

Still hyperfocused on symptoms but was less inclined to think about them as I played a new game my sister bought.

08-04-17, 17:46
I get this too but also not when exercising. If I even think about it when Im fine it can start. Strange to say the least. I have other symptoms too.

08-04-17, 23:29
I get this too but also not when exercising. If I even think about it when Im fine it can start. Strange to say the least. I have other symptoms too.

It was a totally weird feeling. But yeah I get a lot of symptoms, the most prominent being the breathing thing and lightheadedness/floating feeling. A few days back I even sprinted around my house out of frustration of wanting to show myself I'm not about to keel over.

Anyone have tips on how to counter this obsession?

09-04-17, 01:20
Depends to I have gerd of and on so I believe sometimes it contributes to SOB then I focus on it. I actually laughed at it a few times. :) Ill get off work and go damn dint have that SOB feeling all day then bam it starts:doh: crazy brain. For what ever reason exercise stops it for me. Good article on false shortness of breath dr hannah. Take care

09-04-17, 01:40
Depends to I have gerd of and on so I believe sometimes it contributes to SOB then I focus on it. I actually laughed at it a few times. :) Ill get off work and go damn dint have that SOB feeling all day then bam it starts:doh: crazy brain. For what ever reason exercise stops it for me. Good article on false shortness of breath dr hannah. Take care

Thanks! Yeah I have reflux on the occasion too so that might sometimes contribute. The focus is the crazy part! We can exercise fine without keeling over so anxiety is definitely a big factor no?

09-04-17, 01:58
Yea its anxiety for sure. I think naturally when it starts you focus on it or try to hard to correct it but the key to fixing it is????I guess psychologicaly your programmed to get air you think you need but in this case you dont. I really hate it guess we can just run in place all the time:wacko: Will figure it out maybe try helium ballon or something when it happens...sucks I know. Anxiety sure is a SOB if you know what I mean

09-04-17, 02:34
Yea its anxiety for sure. I think naturally when it starts you focus on it or try to hard to correct it but the key to fixing it is????I guess psychologicaly your programmed to get air you think you need but in this case you dont. I really hate it guess we can just run in place all the time:wacko: Will figure it out maybe try helium ballon or something when it happens...sucks I know. Anxiety sure is a SOB if you know what I mean

I know what you mean! That's the thing I feel like I am not getting enough air, like I have to take bigger deeper breaths. So then manual breathing kicks in a lot I think. But if you look at other people, they aren't taking these huge breaths in fact you really can't even see them breathing.

09-04-17, 02:48
Yea true. Not sure if you read this but kind of explains it.http://www.hannasaadah.com/blog/medical/false-shortness-of-breaht-pseudo-dyspnea-december-12/

09-04-17, 02:55
Yea true. Not sure if you read this but kind of explains it.http://www.hannasaadah.com/blog/medical/false-shortness-of-breaht-pseudo-dyspnea-december-12/

Thanks! Was looking for this.