View Full Version : Terrified of Plane Terrorism

07-04-17, 23:04
I'm leaving for London in four days and I've been worried about terrorists since the trip was booked. I've tried reading about how airport security works and statistics and all that sort of thing but it doesn't really help. What I really need is some reassurance. Could someone help me out?

08-04-17, 01:31
I think most people will have some low level worry about this now when they travel because of the media attention it gets - but it is so rare and so unlikey to happen. No one can remove all the risks associated with travelling - terror attacks is only one of them but probably the least likely to actually happen. The UK is of course in the news a lot just now becausr of the attacks two weeks ago, but don't let that ruin your trip

08-04-17, 05:03
The thing to remember is that after an attack, security is increased. Our airports are already well policed (armed police, one of the few places to do this) and step up their already tight security in line with the decisions of our government (COBRA meetings took place which would immediately up security everywhere).

It appears that these nutters have switched tactics away from bombs to use of vehicles and individual knife attacks. This makes airports a very difficult target compared to the areas they are striking.

If your government had a concern, they would advise you not to travel or even stop flights to the danger areas.

08-04-17, 15:14
Yea, security is so tight at airports and especially on planes these days that they're actually one of the safest places (as far as likely targets are concerned). No one can take a bomb, a knife, a gun or even a pair of knitting needles (in some cases) past security, and there's no way any terrorist could hijack a passenger jet again.

And this might sound a little weird, but in a way these latest attacks show just how rare terrorists are. Anyone who knows how to drive could do these things, but they still virtually never happen.

Bad things happen in the world, but you still probably have a better chance of winning the lottery than this thing you're worried about happening.

08-04-17, 22:09
Yea, security is so tight at airports and especially on planes these days that they're actually one of the safest places (as far as likely targets are concerned). No one can take a bomb, a knife, a gun or even a pair of knitting needles (in some cases) past security, and there's no way any terrorist could hijack a passenger jet again.

And this might sound a little weird, but in a way these latest attacks show just how rare terrorists are. Anyone who knows how to drive could do these things, but they still virtually never happen.

Bad things happen in the world, but you still probably have a better chance of winning the lottery than this thing you're worried about happening.
Well tbh it's becoming more common now well this is what the news keeps telling us I for one believe its far from the end of the only time I will feel safer is when all the training camps for these militant groups are bombed sure there will probably be a lull in this activity and as a result security will slacken off to some degree then it starts all over again you only have to cast you mid back a few weeks the London attack then a train attack and now that lorry being driven in to a shop in Stockholm I think again Tea Cheers

09-04-17, 05:08
Well tbh it's becoming more common now well this is what the news keeps telling us I for one believe its far from the end of the only time I will feel safer is when all the training camps for these militant groups are bombed sure there will probably be a lull in this activity and as a result security will slacken off to some degree then it starts all over again you only have to cast you mid back a few weeks the London attack then a train attack and now that lorry being driven in to a shop in Stockholm I think again Tea Cheers

Yeah, Dave it is certainly a new strategy that will only keep going until we sort out radicalisation of those in our countries and stop the nutters getting. The rest is the mess in the ME which never seems to change, they've been killing each other for a long time and by getting involved we are stuck with this, for now. It will just be another group after though. These are tribal societies persecuting each other in turn depending on who is in power.

But we outlasted the IRA and many of us will remember those bombings.

09-04-17, 11:35
Yeah, Dave it is certainly a new strategy that will only keep going until we sort out radicalisation of those in our countries and stop the nutters getting. The rest is the mess in the ME which never seems to change, they've been killing each other for a long time and by getting involved we are stuck with this, for now. It will just be another group after though. These are tribal societies persecuting each other in turn depending on who is in power.

But we outlasted the IRA and many of us will remember those bombings.Terry I Think politicians don't really have clue as to what to do, other wise it would have been done. Of course they have for ages and ages it's all there in the book of Revelation. Holy War nah well that's what the fighters says it's in the name of Allah Yeah right sure it is NOT :) I mean while the IRA bombings were horrific and still haunt us today, it's nothing compared to what's going on now really, 911 springs to mind. :eek: Do I think they will (isis and Alqueda etc) be replaced by something else again no probably other groups will emerge but the main ones will still be going IMHO

13-04-17, 11:53
Yeah, Dave it is certainly a new strategy that will only keep going until we sort out radicalisation of those in our countries and stop the nutters getting. The rest is the mess in the ME which never seems to change, they've been killing each other for a long time and by getting involved we are stuck with this, for now. It will just be another group after though. These are tribal societies persecuting each other in turn depending on who is in power.

It's ignorance like this that fans the flames of fear.

The vast majority of the problems in the Middle East are because 'we' keep getting involved. 'Our' involvement is deliberately provocative.

All societies are tribal, it's part of the human psyche.

13-04-17, 14:33
It's ignorance like this that fans the flames of fear.

The vast majority of the problems in the Middle East are because 'we' keep getting involved. 'Our' involvement is deliberately provocative.

All societies are tribal, it's part of the human psyche.

Society evolves our of tribal governments fighting for power. These are societies that still need to evolve out of their violent infighting and so we can't look at them in the same way we look at more civilised countries.

Silly labelling there. Quite the opposite of ignorance but thank you for your judgement.

13-04-17, 14:47
These are societies that still need to evolve out of their violent infighting and so we can't look at them in the same way we look at more civilised countries.


13-04-17, 14:48
I stopped regularly checking the news deliberately after my son was born as I found it hit me right in the anxiety. Bad news sells and fear is an excellent form of control. Choose your sources carefully, question everything and be aware that your personal biases can also twist the truth.

Honestly, flying is the safest form of travel due to the safety and security checks that go along with it.

13-04-17, 14:51

Your point, Joe?

13-04-17, 21:04
Your point, Joe?

My point is that comment displays incredible amounts of superiority complex and borders on 'master race'. You actually believe that 'those people are savages' is appropriate for an entire area of the planet.

I'm not going to sit on a forum arguing with somebody like you, because you appear to be one of those people that needs to sit on a forum and 'be right' about things.

One thing I learned about my condition (and that's why we're all here, right?) is that humility is a very beneficial trait to have, as is compassion for your fellow man.

I also learned that hatred, always comes back and bites you on the ass. Every time.

13-04-17, 21:24
Tbh Ankietyjoe the uk does get involved but think we should get involved to some degree as our country is targeted by these extremists groups I mean it's not as though these attacks are once in a blue moon either it's pretty much a global thing we all have to unite as one on fighting this war as every one is entitled to their opinion you might not agree with some of what's been said but that's forum life for you! Cheers

13-04-17, 21:35
Well said Joe!. I couldn't agree more.

13-04-17, 23:09
My point is that comment displays incredible amounts of superiority complex and borders on 'master race'. You actually believe that 'those people are savages' is appropriate for an entire area of the planet.

I'm not going to sit on a forum arguing with somebody like you, because you appear to be one of those people that needs to sit on a forum and 'be right' about things.

One thing I learned about my condition (and that's why we're all here, right?) is that humility is a very beneficial trait to have, as is compassion for your fellow man.

I also learned that hatred, always comes back and bites you on the ass. Every time.

A post complaining about hatred that is full of judgement with out even trying to discuss or understand a point, ironic given your earlier comment of ignorance m I can't say I expected better from you based on your past posts.

It's a shame you don't feel able to talk about a subject rather than resort to inflammatory comments.

Your made an assumption and you got it wrong. The point I was making was taking attitudes into account in countries still evolving in terms of things like women's rights,
Freedom of sexuality, etc. It's like looking at ourselves further back in our history.

---------- Post added at 23:09 ---------- Previous post was at 23:05 ----------

Well said Joe!. I couldn't agree more.

Strangely at odds with the implications of your post here...


13-04-17, 23:11
What implications would that be Terry?

13-04-17, 23:13
What are you trying to achieve, BB? A little point scoring from our last little debate?

13-04-17, 23:18
This has nothing to do with point scoring. I happened to agree with someones opinion other than yours, Is that not allowed?. It's not the "Terry show" you know.

Do NOT paste my replies on someone else's thread and make it about you. This has nothing to do with you. I was simply agreeing with a posters opinion. End of.

13-04-17, 23:27
It tends not to be wise doing so with a post being quite negative about someone, perhaps something for Joe & I? It's just going to inflame things further unless you clip the reply.

I posted that as we are talking about the subject and your attitude towards deportation seems at odds to me.

13-04-17, 23:35
It tends not to be wise doing so with a post being quite negative about someone, perhaps something for Joe & I? It's just going to inflame things further unless you clip the reply.

I posted that as we are talking about the subject and your attitude towards deportation seems at odds to me.

How dare you!!...I am quite entitled to reply to any thread I see fit. If you have stoosh with someone then that is your beef. It's not my argument. If I wish to reply to a post, I will and that is my business.

Catherine S
13-04-17, 23:36
Do not make this about Lisa Terry. She has a right to agree with the OP, do not turn this into a personal situation just because her thoughts on this thread are different to yours. ..that's not fair. You chose to pick up on her comment supporting Joe, just accept that somebody doesn't agree withvyou and don't make more of it than it is. The thread is going to have different opinions besides your own, Lisa's is just one of them.


13-04-17, 23:46
I agree, Cath, but posting an agreement about a post that is only aimed at pointing out perceived flaws in my character is unlikely to be received well by me. Joe's comments were personal.

---------- Post added at 23:46 ---------- Previous post was at 23:43 ----------

How dare you!!...I am quite entitled to reply to any thread I see fit. If you have stoosh with someone then that is your beef. It's not my argument. If I wish to reply to a post, I will and that is my business.

Which I have no issue with, BB, but you agreed with a post making some very insulting insinuations. That's why I said if you clipped it, I wouldn't see a post agreeing with the entirely of the post.

Catherine S
13-04-17, 23:51
It didn't start off like that though did it Terry. All she said was that she agreed with Joe and you challenged her on that simple comment and took it further. You really need to accept that people may sometimes disagree with you...you don't have to react the way you do. Please stop before it gets out of hand. You owe that to the person whose thread this is, ok?


13-04-17, 23:52
Terry, how did I point out anything about your character?. I agreed what a poster said about a situation not a character assassination on you.

If you don't like your opinion being highlighted as such then perhaps you may think twice about doing it to others as you so often do. Just my opinion again.

13-04-17, 23:57
Fair enough, Cath, it's a shame the thread has gone this way. I have no issue with anyone disagreeing. I really can't explain the rest any further, it's in the above posts.

14-04-17, 08:54
The vast majority of the problems in the Middle East are because 'we' keep getting involved. 'Our' involvement is deliberately provocative.

All societies are tribal, it's part of the human psyche.

This is very refreshing to hear.

My parents are from the Middle East and yes there are backwards cultural mentalities that exist there but there's also a deliberate effort to keep people fighting for their survival instead of thriving. You can't reach your potential if you don't even have access to basic food and safety.

Also freedom of sexuality and other subtopics are subjective. One person's freedom is another person's slavery to their desires.

There is a sense of 'superior race' and ignorance which we all have the latter it's just a matter of admitting it so we can rise above it

14-04-17, 09:08
This is very refreshing to hear.

My parents are from the Middle East and yes there are backwards cultural mentalities that exist there but there's also a deliberate effort to keep people fighting for their survival instead of thriving. You can't reach your potential if you don't even have access to basic food and safety.

Indeed. That's why I see the comparison to history.

With our class system, you couldn't better yourself. And then we had women inside these classes who would be subservient to men. Your life was limited by your betters. The poor died. Healthcare was what it was.

Gradually we gained more through change but we are still evolving our standards. That's why I feel other countries are trying to push themselves forward in similiar ways.

But there does seem to be an element of keeping countries from thriving. Funnily enough, that point sometimes comes up when discussing the EU & Africa, I've noticed.

14-04-17, 10:06
Terry. Virtually every post you make is a 'lesson' of some sort. You speak with a misplaced air of authority on almost every subject. You dismiss and deride differences of opinion with 'it's a shame' and 'isn't it ironic' etc etc. You are passive aggressive, arrogant and (perhaps deliberately) inflammatory. You partially use this forum as a platform to feed your own ego.

Perhaps your opinions belong somewhere else? With nearly 15,000 posts you might have exhausted your welcome here anyway?

Tbh Ankietyjoe the uk does get involved but think we should get involved to some degree as our country is targeted by these extremists groups I mean it's not as though these attacks are once in a blue moon either it's pretty much a global thing we all have to unite as one on fighting this war as every one is entitled to their opinion you might not agree with some of what's been said but that's forum life for you! Cheers

Chicken and egg. Our country is targeted because we keep getting involved.

Why isn't the UK/USA etc getting involved in the myriad atrocities happening in other 'backward' nations in Africa? Because...........(10 points for the winning answer)..........Oil.

This is very refreshing to hear.

My parents are from the Middle East and yes there are backwards cultural mentalities that exist there but there's also a deliberate effort to keep people fighting for their survival instead of thriving. You can't reach your potential if you don't even have access to basic food and safety.

Also freedom of sexuality and other subtopics are subjective. One person's freedom is another person's slavery to their desires.

There is a sense of 'superior race' and ignorance which we all have the latter it's just a matter of admitting it so we can rise above it

My partner is of mixed Asian descent. I live in an area where my son goes to school with a very mixed race of people. Everybody gets along fine, even with clear social/religious differences.

I have friends who served in the Middle East ( I have no military background) and one of my oldest friends is a journalist with close ties to the military. When I say WE are provoking THEM, I know what I'm talking about (and I won't say that very often, unlike others).

Now, clearly there are some aspects of some cultures that are superior.....better?......more appealing than others. But on the other hand, I see Muslim families continually keeping family close and helping each other out. This to me is a far superior way of living than the 'more civilised' method of every wo/man for him/herself. The point being is that we all live differently, but we are all fundamentally the same. Our instincts and needs are the same. There is no genetic predisposal for violence. Everybody on this forum is here because of those survival instincts. Which leads me back to Terry's original post deriding an entire race of people when he probably knows very little about the subject other than what he's read or heard in some extraordinarily biased media reporting.

14-04-17, 10:16

Cath made the point that it is better to move on. I have and so I have no intention of engaging with you any further. I really have no interest in this personal Issue you are choosing to raise.

Perhaps you are willing to do the same, for the OP?

14-04-17, 10:20
Like I said, passive aggressive.

I'm happy to move on, I've told you what you need to do.


14-04-17, 10:32
Terry. Virtually every post you make is a 'lesson' of some sort. You speak with a misplaced air of authority on almost every subject. You dismiss and deride differences of opinion with 'it's a shame' and 'isn't it ironic' etc etc. You are passive aggressive, arrogant and (perhaps deliberately) inflammatory. You partially use this forum as a platform to feed your own ego.

Perhaps your opinions belong somewhere else? With nearly 15,000 posts you might have exhausted your welcome here anyway?

Chicken and egg. Our country is targeted because we keep getting involved.

Why isn't the UK/USA etc getting involved in the myriad atrocities happening in other 'backward' nations in Africa? Because...........(10 points for the winning answer)..........Oil.

My partner is of mixed Asian descent. I live in an area where my son goes to school with a very mixed race of people. Everybody gets along fine, even with clear social/religious differences.

I have friends who served in the Middle East ( I have no military background) and one of my oldest friends is a journalist with close ties to the military. When I say WE are provoking THEM, I know what I'm talking about (and I won't say that very often, unlike others).

Now, clearly there are some aspects of some cultures that are superior.....better?......more appealing than others. But on the other hand, I see Muslim families continually keeping family close and helping each other out. This to me is a far superior way of living than the 'more civilised' method of every wo/man for him/herself. The point being is that we all live differently, but we are all fundamentally the same. Our instincts and needs are the same. There is no genetic predisposal for violence. Everybody on this forum is here because of those survival instincts. Which leads me back to Terry's original post deriding an entire race of people when he probably knows very little about the subject other than what he's read or heard in some extraordinarily biased media reporting.AJ Ahh Think that's over exaggerated about Terry and I am not sideing with him or you just hope it doesn't turn in to big argument.

So as a county what do we do then sit back and do nothing? And if another country (that we get on with) is being attacked again do nothing nah think we can all agree that these extremists need taking down! Talking to them wont help and you seriously think it over Oil as in Africa it's a power thing we want to rule and we will win etc,etc The USA has launched the biggest none nuclear bomb in history knocking Very recently) out tunnels and bases so is this wrong in your opinion? No civilians were hurt only ISIS I personally think it's a 'Holy' war so these people can rule not just areas around their countries but eventually the world may be wrong but again it's just my opinion :) Cheers

14-04-17, 11:02
Yes it's about oil, 100% guaranteed. Going back as far as the original Gulf war. The secondary function is about selling weapons to combat a manufactured and invisible enemy. Of course I could be called out as being a conspiracy theorist, but that's your choice.

You have already decided that extremists are extremists through simple choice, that there is no underlying reasons why a person or people would be driven to such....extreme.... actions.

I have examples that I consider too triggering to post on this forum that clearly explain why people with nothing left are driven to such actions.

And should we sit back and do nothing? Against what exactly? Who are we fighting, and to what end? What if the doing (and the collateral damage that actually happens as a result of that doing) is the thing creating the will to respond?

All I'm asking is that instead of watching sensational bombing footage and fist pumping on Facebook or a sullen correspondent reporting on one single aspect of a very historically complicated situation, just sit back and consider the motivation a person has to act in the ways you find so abhorrent.

14-04-17, 11:18
Yes it's about oil, 100% guaranteed. Going back as far as the original Gulf war. The secondary function is about selling weapons to combat a manufactured and invisible enemy. Of course I could be called out as being a conspiracy theorist, but that's your choice.

You have already decided that extremists are extremists through simple choice, that there is no underlying reasons why a person or people would be driven to such....extreme.... actions.

I have examples that I consider too triggering to post on this forum that clearly explain why people with nothing left are driven to such actions.

And should we sit back and do nothing? Against what exactly? Who are we fighting, and to what end? What if the doing (and the collateral damage that actually happens as a result of that doing) is the thing creating the will to respond?

All I'm asking is that instead of watching sensational bombing footage and fist pumping on Facebook or a sullen correspondent reporting on one single aspect of a very historically complicated situation, just sit back and consider the motivation a person has to act in the ways you find so abhorrent. Hmm You seem so sure that it's about oil and that alone well again that's your opinion, but think it's incorrect! That you single me out that I (meaning me) have decided that extremists are extremists through simple choice (don't think I have said that ) Lets be honest they are terrorists and evil Yes there are underlying reasons why they are doing this fact. And it's very complicated and complex too. And again you say I find it abhorrent as though I am the only one who does ha ha well I am not the only I can assure you on that unless you think they are justified in their actions which I am sure you don't!! interesting views AJ.Ifor one think others would to would like to hear your triggering examples if they are too what ever I am sure the mods will remove or edit them. Cheers

14-04-17, 11:26
I actually didn't mean to imply that just you believed these actions occur simply through choice, rather that perhaps it's worth exploring the reasons that drive people to such actions.

And yes, I think it's abhorrent too, although I'm not sure evil is the best word to describe them. The act is evil, the person is probably desperate and vengeful. Driven to evil acts. Absolutely not justified, no.

14-04-17, 13:06
I actually didn't mean to imply that just you believed these actions occur simply through choice, rather that perhaps it's worth exploring the reasons that drive people to such actions.

And yes, I think it's abhorrent too, although I'm not sure evil is the best word to describe them. The act is evil, the person is probably desperate and vengeful. Driven to evil acts. Absolutely not justified, no. That's ok no harm done :) and yes it is but oil come one or just oil nah cant see it being that alone. if atall Think it goes way deeper than that and many reasons that even the politcains cant work out either so what chance have ordinary people got to actually know the reasons behind all this? Very little in my opinion and would like to hear other members views too and lets keep this debate respectful too, as it is now :) Cheers

---------- Post added at 13:06 ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 ----------

Any other views on this would be welcomed Cheers

14-04-17, 20:05
Opinions on what makes someone become a Terrorist, Bboy?. x

14-04-17, 20:25
Opinions on what makes someone become a Terrorist, Bboy?. x No bb but the reasons why they bomb innocent people that sort of thing and all because of oil like I said to AJ I don't think it is that and if it is, that's not the only reason why :) Cheers

14-04-17, 20:38
It's quite a controversial one to get in to really!. I think a lot of it is down to power and greed. Why they attack innocent people though rather than targets is beyond any comprehension of mine.

14-04-17, 22:55
It's quite a controversial one to get in to really!. I think a lot of it is down to power and greed. Why they attack innocent people though rather than targets is beyond any comprehension of mine.Absolutely bb And extremely complex I mean who knows what goes through the minds of these awful people think they are very deluded though. Cheers

14-04-17, 22:58
If you are a lone gunman against a trillion dollar military machine, you probably go for a target that makes the most noise. You ain't gonna get near anything strategic.

14-04-17, 23:10
You wonder what goes through these individuals minds when they make the decision to finally pull that trigger. Are they all in agreement at what they have done/doing?!. No, I don't believe that. There are so many factors involved in such things.Yes there are evil swines out there but I also believe some (for some reason or another) have no choice.

15-04-17, 00:27
I'm leaving for London in four days and I've been worried about terrorists since the trip was booked. I've tried reading about how airport security works and statistics and all that sort of thing but it doesn't really help. What I really need is some reassurance. Could someone help me out?

How did your trip go? Did you manage to control your anxiety and have a nice time over here?

I hope you were treated well and managed to enjoy yourself. :hugs:

15-04-17, 12:54

Cath made the point that it is better to move on. I have and so I have no intention of engaging with you any further. I really have no interest in this personal Issue you are choosing to raise.

Perhaps you are willing to do the same, for the OP?

We have moved on from you son. Don't worry, you'll still get plenty of attention elsewhere, I'm sure of it.

15-04-17, 13:02
AJ you mention Oil as being the/a reason and you have other things to say but cant on a forum? I certainly don't see why not After all I value other members opinions too wont say I will agree but value yes. Ok some of you will know the USA recently launched their MOAB its Big it's none nuclear ect I did it's job on a tunnel network used by ISIS and 30 ISIS members were killed but I think it's again only touched the surface many more of these members are still out there sadly. What's your views on this? Cheers

15-04-17, 13:07
How did your trip go? Did you manage to control your anxiety and have a nice time over here?

I hope you were treated well and managed to enjoy yourself. :hugs:


15-04-17, 13:21
Bump.And Terry always like hearing your views too, so chime in mate :)

15-04-17, 13:31
And Terry always like hearing your views too, so chime in mate :)

Cheers Dave, it's probably best not though. We can always talk elsewhere mate.

I've played my part in the thread going off course so just trying to re engage with the OP really.

15-04-17, 13:36
Cheers Dave, it's probably best not though. We can always talk elsewhere mate.

I've played my part in the thread going off course so just trying to re engage with the OP really. You are welcome Terry :) Just love a good debate! Yes hope the OP comes back though Cheers

17-04-17, 13:52
AJ you mention Oil as being the/a reason and you have other things to say but cant on a forum? I certainly don't see why not After all I value other members opinions too wont say I will agree but value yes. Ok some of you will know the USA recently launched their MOAB its Big it's none nuclear ect I did it's job on a tunnel network used by ISIS and 30 ISIS members were killed but I think it's again only touched the surface many more of these members are still out there sadly. What's your views on this? Cheers

I have one friend in the Marines, another who is a pilot and a third who is a journalist who also writes military books, and also spent a total of about 18 months in various theatres on the ME. None of them know each other, but all have very similar stories of the part we play and why we are there. The Marine was in the first wave of the original Gulf War.

The MOAB would have had little impact on a cave network (unless it triggered an unlikely seismic event) and is more about posturing than anything else (China, Russia etc).

The most effective means of clearing out a network of tunnels (that they claim to know the location of) is to send in an overwhelming ground force. But where's the propaganda value in that?

17-04-17, 20:09
I have one friend in the Marines, another who is a pilot and a third who is a journalist who also writes military books, and also spent a total of about 18 months in various theatres on the ME. None of them know each other, but all have very similar stories of the part we play and why we are there. The Marine was in the first wave of the original Gulf War.

The MOAB would have had little impact on a cave network (unless it triggered an unlikely seismic event) and is more about posturing than anything else (China, Russia etc).

The most effective means of clearing out a network of tunnels (that they claim to know the location of) is to send in an overwhelming ground force. But where's the propaganda value in that?Well they all play a vital role don't they :) well at least 30 ISIS members were killed but it's waste of such a big bomb and resources to have little effect really.Should have been used on the training camps IMHO None really would have done more damage though but think by drawing it out looks good in some ways and is bit more sensational to a degree. Cheers

18-04-17, 06:22
I'm more terrified of flying Jetstar from Brisvegas to Sydney ,now that is terrifying.:).

19-04-17, 13:18
Hey guys. Just got home last night. Thanks for your reassurance!

20-04-17, 05:25
Glad to hear you are ok, MyLittlePonyMommy.

Did you enjoy your trip?